stopped working when i changed harddisks....
So I had to get a 333.. I have run it at 333 not problem (obviously)
at 375 (5.0 x 75) seems good.. and stable..
at 416 (5.0 x 83) I get crashes in GPL.. the display just freezes..
this probably cos of the FSB at 83 maxing out teh Voodoo 2 card and
causing it go freeze....
This SoMETIMES happens at 375.. but rarely...
I was 500 (5.0 x 100) so I can have the FSB (sorry.. is it called
something else???? the spped the cards run at) at 33mmh.. not 37 or
41.5 for 375 and 416 respectively...
I know they are surposed to be hard to get there.. but does anyone know
of any hints or tips.. i've tried up to 2.3 volts... and still no good
It jsut gets to the win'98 start upa nd crashes.. but atleast it
POST's...and seems to work ok there. but won't go any further.. :-(
Are there any BIOS setting to try?? Can I try anything else??
I have tried a room fan without the case.. and it still doesn't like
I think it isn't a heat problem cos it does start up .. and crashes soon
after... hmmmmmm.... annoying..
Any help would be good.. (PLUS any oclocker guides for the 333 to
500??? not just tomshardware etc... thanx :-)
James Pickard,
PLZ email AND reply.. thanx again :-)