Okay try this, again back up any files. Go into the team and car folder to
change this. Open the XXXX.veh file, look for the "Eyepoint=(0.X0, 0.XX,
0.XX)" , play with them a little at a time, that should move you back and
forward...up and down according to personal choice. I believe the last
number is the fore/aft number. Start by jumping it up say 10, save......then
run game, use that car and see if it helps you out. The other change I
posted is to make the mirrors gain a full image. Keep that one in mind if
you come across that, it happens. Hope this one does the trick for you.
Again, copy the VEH file to another folder and play with the numbers. Once
you get it working, you'll spend some time tweaking seating in all the other