I've been working on 1.1 this week like I was on a mission. I'm telling
you, racing GPL is a piece of cake compared to this ;))
Here's the lo-down on this release, snipped from the readme:
For 1.1...
+ Improved hot key detection. Should now work on Voodoo3
and other gfx cards where GPLOMe didn't work earlier.
+ Added possibility to hide GPLOMe window.
+ Added option for starting GPLOMe as hidden.
+ Added GPLOMe 'application hot key' to recover the
possibly hidden window. Also added option to enable or
disable use of this hot key.
+ Added GPLOMe self-detection. GPLOMe now detects if
it is already running if started a second time. This
can be used to unhide a currently hidden GPLOMe window.
+ Added GPL detection. GPLOMe can be made to auto-detect
when GPL starts and enable the hot keys ONLY when GPL is
+ Added option for specifying the name of the GPL EXE.
+ Source is now version controlled.
+ Set limit for maximum message length to 60 characters.
GPLOMe is short for GPL On-Line Messages and it enables
you to map hot keys for sending different chat messages
while you're in your car in a multi-player GPL game. So
instead of typing '<return>PO<return>' you can now simply
press F1 and watch in amazement (! :)) as GPLOMe transmits
your message.
Get it at:
Yes, a new URL. It's a relocator (without any popups), so
please use it if you reference GPLOMe from another site. You'll
always find GPLOMe, wherever it is, that way.