Can anyone tell me if the Thrustmaster wheel/pedal combos can be
calibrated within W95 as a single 3-axis joystick? And, if so, does this
mean that the TM wheel/pedal combos can be used with the Joyswitch
selector box?
Can anyone tell me if the Thrustmaster wheel/pedal combos can be
calibrated within W95 as a single 3-axis joystick? And, if so, does this
mean that the TM wheel/pedal combos can be used with the Joyswitch
selector box?
% Can anyone tell me if the Thrustmaster wheel/pedal combos can be
% calibrated within W95 as a single 3-axis joystick? And, if so, does this
% mean that the TM wheel/pedal combos can be used with the Joyswitch
% selector box?
There are various configurations of TM's wheel/pedal combos. The T1 and
early T2 models came with the wheel on the X1 axis and I think the
pedals were on X2. For some of the earlier Win95 programs an adaptor
was needed to place the pedals on the same joystick port as the wheel
(Y1). This wasn't exactly a Win95 issue, as much as a programming
issue. Later T2's came out with the wheels and pedals on the same
joystick port (X1 for wheel & Y1 for pedals).
Their latest product, NASCAR Pro, has a switch that will allow the
pedals to be on separate axis (gas Y1 and brake X2) or combine them (gas
and brake on Y1).
If the Joyswitch supports dual ports for each of its ports, I don't know
that you need to worry about whether you need the wheel and pedals on
the same axis. However, if you are attempting to avoid selecting a new
device under the Games Controller or Joystick applet, I don't think this
is wise. Each device will have a different calibration and by not
selecting a different device you will still need to re-calibrate in
The best approach would be to get Thrustmaster's ProPanel applet (a
replacement for Microsoft's Games Controller) and then select your
device via the Joyswitch and then via ProPanel, set this device as
the ID #1. Once you have calibrated your various devices (as ID #1),
you shouldn't need to recalibrate each time you select them via the
ProPanel. You can get ProPanel at:
**************************** Michael E. Carver *************************
Upside out, or inside down...False alarm the only game in town.
=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=<[ /./. [- < ]>=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
After some review of the Joyswitch peoples good web page, I
pluged both my TM T2 (w/o adapter) in through one of the 4 joystick
connections on the joyswitch, and set the joyswitch
foot pedal selector to off for "driving" configuration.
For a flight stick and throttle and RCS, etc, I use a different
joystick and for this I patch in the rudders through one of the two
joyswitch foot pedal connectors.
(How I hooked them up probably depended mostly on the requirements
of my programmable throttle.)
- Matt
WarBirds: =para=