I have multiple systems : one with a voodoo 5500 one with a GF2 Ultra and
one with a TI4600, all have cpu's between 1 and 2 gigahertz
For AA in GPL the only card that works well is the 5500 at 4x 1024 X 768.
This is probably the nicest rendering I've seen of GPL
While I no longer use this card in my simulator box I miss the visual
quality it displayed.
GForce cards perform best in opengl with the following core settings (see
end of post) and any resolution and no AA both the Ultra and my TI card
perform at 36 fps at any resolution with all the candy on... the only thing
I reduce is the field to 15 cars. Traffic is still plentifull and the other
four cars have slow AI anyway. While I have noticed no frame hit with Aniso
filtering it is by no means 4x AA... I am however happy with the game
running at 1600 X 1200 the shimmering in the distance is very minimal and
the frame rate good enough that my lap times do not drop.
Now last is the D3D version 7 (z buffer implementation). This provides
fabulous display quality with high res mirror views, it is something to
behold...unfortunatelly there is an issue of slowdown when cars come into
view especially when you are being passed. there is also an issue of
textures being swapped in large chunks that are really noticeable when you
turn. I have also noticed that it will crash on rare occasions. Hope this
helps you a little but GPL does not respond to AA implementation on Gforce
[ OpenGL ]
TossHighestMip = 0
MipFiltering = 4
MirrorsEvery = 1
The only card that gives good results is
> > > I use a gf4 4200 & find that anisotropic filtering gives no noticeable
> > > slow down in gpl, whereas the best AA really affects framerate online,
> > > and makes the menu screens look weird on or offline.
> > > AA looks really nice, though, and now I use OpenGL, Anisotropic
> > > filtering doesn't seem to work, so it's a moot point really.
> > Just run the game in 1600 x 1200
> Assuming the monitor will support it. Mine doesn't :-(
> Do you find that large resolutions have less of a framerate hit than full
> AA?
> Malc.