Pretty much ALL Logitech software is a mess under Windows XP. Some of it is
even screwed up under Win2K :(
I used to really like Logitech's drivers and profiling softwares, but I'm
changing my mind. Quickly.
> I can not get mine to work properly. Besides the problem you have the
> are all wrong. When I turn the wheel to the extreme left or right the
> pulls in that direction. I have been in contact with the wingman team and
> they said they are real close to releasing drivers 4.10 that fix most of
> current problems. Go to their website and report you experiences. It will
> help them. Here is the link:
> > I am running it ok. I have to start my games from the profiler though,
> > else the split axis and button assignment stuff won't work.
> > Vintook
> > > I've read previous posts about people having no problems in WinXP
> > the
> > > v3.62 (or was it v3.65) Wingman Profiler. I installed the v4.00 one
> > XP,
> > > and everything seemed to work (aside from the obvious not being able
> > > select separate pedal axis') except for the fact that the wheel will
> > > center as soon as I start a game, in this case, F1CS2000.
> > > Is anyone else out there running v4.00 of the profiler and WinXP with
> > > troubles?