Hi Russ,
Does GPL run ok with a fresh install in "software only" mode, with NO
addons? Which version of DirectX are you using? I use DirectX 8.0a and don't
have any problems. I *think* I read somewhere that some people using the
Soundblaster Live Plat have had a few probs with GPL. Have you tried
different drivers for it? Is your wheel USB or, is it connected via the SB's
Gameport? If you are that desperate, why not simply remove the SB, and see
if GPL will run properley without it? I did have a similar problem to you
about a month ago, where GPL would load, but I could only drive a few 100
yds say, at the ring, and the PC would freeze, with only the reset button to
get out of it! I finally found the "carsound patch" was causing the problem.
(Still not sure why). As soon as I put the "original" GPL.exe back,
everything was fine again! I used to be able to use the carsound patch with
no problems before I got my Herc Ge-Force MX 2 32MB (Love this card so can
live without the patch <g>).
As for the track not loaded/cancelling weekend. Whenever that happens the
problem is either an addon track "incorrect" in your 67Season.ini, a double
entry for a track or tracks, or, NOT having the number of tracks in the
track folder coincide exactly with the number at the top of 67Season.ini
If this is happening with ALL of your tracks, it is almost always a CAR
causing the problem. Try running the game with NO car/other updates at all.
(I suppose you have tried all this though huh?).
Myself, I would also disconnect the Steering wheel, and remove it's
software, as you have a steering/GPL prob, and try running GPL with just the
"standard Keyboard" setup, and see if the game runs ok. GPL, on starting,
immediately checks for the presence of anything other than the standard
keys, and if it finds it, will present you automatically with the
Callibration screen, so try without the wheel connected as I suggested.
Sometimes I "forget" to switch on my TM Ferrari FF wheel, and GPL defaults
to the keyboard. I have to go back to Windows, switch on and, re-calibrate!
I would also make sure that your MX GFX card is NOT overclocked. My Herc is
known to be an excellent GFX card for overclocking, but I had some GPL
problems even slightly o'clocked, so now I run it at "normal" speed. I use
the "official" Nvidia Det 3 6.50 drivers and have had NO PROBLEMS
whatsoever with them in ANY game. Have you checked under device manager for
a conflict anywhere with any of your hardware? Yout GFX card is not
"sharing" an IRQ is it? I have read of someone having this problem before
Anyway, try these thing out. If none of these suggestions solves the
problem. Post again to this thread, and I am sure I will think of something.
Can't keep a fellow GPL'er from the best Sim in the World can we? Sorry this
is so long, but I am trying to suggest anything I can think of, and you said
you were desperate!
Good luck, and please post back either way.
Mad Max (Andrew) Member LegendsCentral.