After reading this it all stands clear before me:
All this cooks down to one single thing: Where we place ourselves in
this world. If you place yourself on top of everything you'll see
terrorists everywhere, and call them evil, and you won't have the
slightest idea why they attack you. If you place yourself on the bottom
you think those on top get every damn bit they deserve because they have
inflicted so much pain and suffering through their political military
One thing that americans tend to forget in the discussion is the fact
that we have had terrorist attacks in europe during most of the 20th
century, and that we have had to adjust our foreign policy accordingly,
because it became apparent that our foreign policy created people who
were willing to sacrifice their lives for a cause.
Now, there are two courses of action when you realize this: You can 1)
start a world wide war on everything that even resembles a terrorist,
because you have to be utterly and thoroughly paranoid in order to fight
such a threat efficiently, or you can 2) start evaluating and analyze
your own foreigh policy in order to eliminate the factors that creates
suicide bombers, and adjust accordingly.
Again, if you place yourself on top of the world you'll say: "why should
we adjust to *anything* of this world", if you place yourself on the
bottom you'll say: "We will *force* them to adjust, and we'll gladly
sacrifice our own lives in the process".
It's a matter of self image, self deceit and dillusion. Very simply put.
Broaden your mind, get a perspective based on m***and ethical issues
instead of world position, and you'll see what I mean. Time will proove it.
> I couldnt disagree more Uwe. Americans Manipulated? Are you kidding? I
> think Europe has been manipulated into thinking this way.
> Although 9-11 gets the headlines it was hardly the first or only attack
> against the USA by terrorists. Americans arent *lead* by fear or paranoia
> but rather by commons sense and the knowledge that the terrorist went one
> step too far and would continue pushing the envelope until we as Americans
> decided enough is enough.
> Perhaps appea***t is OK in Europe but historically its a failure everytime
> just ask your Grandpa about what Europe did when uncle hitler came rolling
> through, heck just look at the Balkans for recent history of appea***t.
> The failure can hardly be blamed on GWB. We must go back much farther than
> his presidency to see the entire scope of terrorism and blame. I blame the
> Terrorists and their hatred. Everyone acts like the Worlds Intelligence
> agencies were just sitting around ignoring the facts, the reality was
> getting any kind of Intel out of Iraq was nearly impossible, not only for
> this administration but previous as well. This lack if Intel cannot be
> blamed on ANYONE except Saddam and his secret security forces.
> This has NOTHING to do with filling a void that communism left despite that
> spin. *** theorist are we?
> I really think your media has conditioned you all to accept ITS version
> while ignoring reality because you all have the same impotent arguments.
> Im very clear thinking, part of that clear thinking includes the absolute
> fact that Americans are HATED throughout the World and our Country is at WAR
> with those who wish to strike us.
> France, Germany, China and Russia have showed Americans very clearly that
> the Useless Nations and the Security Council are a corrupt, toothless
> organization that has done more harm in the World than good. That said you
> have the audacity to say its all GWB's fault and paranoid Americans are
> being manipulated????
> Mitch
>>>The US and the UK have manipulated what happened on 9/11 to inject fear
>>>into their people. To create a kind of paranoia almost that we were on
>>>the verge of terrorist attack after terrorist attack. Do you really
>>>believe that to be the case? And do you really believe that Iraq was
>>>potentially behind what had already taken place and is likely to insue
>>>in the future?
>>Couldn't agree more. I've read various detailed accounts of what
>>happened and who did what (or didn't do) minute by minute on the
>>morning of 9/11, and at best it's a massive failure of GWB and his
>>staff to respond appropriately while events unfolded; at its worst,
>>it's something far worse than that.
>>A population in fear is far easier to rule than a clear-thinking one,
>>and after the demise of the "communist empire" a void clearly needed
>>mail replies to Uwe at schuerkamp dot de ( yahoo address is spambox)
>>Uwe Schuerkamp ////////////////////////////
>>Herford, Germany \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ (52.0N/8.5E)
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