Anybody running this combination yet? Warp? Merlin?
Perci Hala
Anybody running this combination yet? Warp? Merlin?
Perci Hala
SP> Subject: GP2 and OS/2
SP> Anybody running this combination yet? Warp? Merlin?
Yes - and it seems FINE!!!
Great game - and there from the desktop icon - and trying a tedious old
boot to Dos demonstrated no apparent speed improvement (P66, 32Mb RAM,
4Mb Orchid Fahrenheit Pro 64).
Not played about yet to determine optimum session settings though.
Glad to see another player using a reallly sensible 32-bit OS - no
problems apparent!
* RM 1.3 U0414 * As easy as 3.14159265358979323846264338327950288419716
Yes, but hating to buy a new machine for a game!!! (486/66 whazzzat?)
Perci Hala
The above was substantially edited to save bandwidth, and because NR/2
won't let you post unless you add more text than there was in the original