Some pictures of my GPL 3 monitor system can be seen at my webpage
K. O. Sletten
> GPL doesn't support 3 monitors out of the box, but it is very easy to
> it for multiple monitors. The side views is run on other computers in a
> network. There is two ways to 'enable' multi-monitor support.
> The first option is to use the default front view and put custom car
> files in the client computers for the side views.
> The second option is to change the field of view (FOV) from the default 78
> degrees to about 47 degrees in all three computers and use the look
> left/right buttons on the clients to get the side views. This works best
> i gives a great sense of speed and a more natural look of the virtual
> It does also move the front tires and mirrors to the side monitors, so you
> have to move your eyes/head a bit more to see everything. It is very cool
> and that's how I run it at the moment.
> The custom camera files and instructions for method one is availiable at
> web-space.
> There is instructions at GPL++ about FOV adjustments.
> --
> /M Lindqvist
> Spamguard: Remove .ajabaja in e-mail