The fact that we are criticized for laughing at something that is fuuny to
some, but anger to others is just FU$$en messed up.
The fact that we are criticized for laughing at something that is fuuny to
some, but anger to others is just FU$$en messed up.
>> >> Troll? me? troll?
>> >> r u sure?
>> >> I respect your intelligence. But what you said was funny, and I
>> >Try again.....
>> try again?
>> why?
>You just made his point for him. :)
I felt bad so I gave her some strawberry jelly so she would trust me again.
A few weeks later she was eaten by a coyote.
The End
> --
> Slot
> Tweaks & Reviews
> > LOL. very well done.
> > > And last but not least, I'd like to thank my cat, Willy <sniff>, for
> > > always being there right beside me whenever things went wrong during a
> > This reminds me that we really don't give our pets the credit they are
> due.
> > My cat, Buster, is often beside me while I'm racing. When things go wrong
> > and I feel like tearing the wheel off my desk and smashing it to pieces,
> > Buster is always there for me.... to pick up by the scruff of his neck and
> > send him hurling to the other side of the room. His wild scream, eyes
> bugged
> > out, four legs spread-eagle and tail flying behind him, then a thud as he
> > hits the wall and with the sudden silence that follows I'm quickly lured
> > back into tranquility. My wheel is saved. 8 times Buster has done this
> for
> > me, and I'm racing again tonight.
> > Anybody have any kittens to give away to a good home ;-)
> > --
> > Slot
> >
> > Tweaks & Reviews
you guys crack me up!
Hey, have I told you about my dog.............
Tweaks & Reviews
> Making jokes on the internet is a dangerous thing, we saw that with
> the joke about the wing settings of the plane in which Couldhard
> crashed. I have a cat too, and I don't dare to think about something
> bad happening to him (her actually) but I found the post about the cat
> really funny.
> Cultural differences I think...
Oh what the hell, stupid thread anyway :-)
Beers and cheers
(uncle) Goy
"Team Mirage"
"The Pits"
* Spam is for losers who can't get business any other way *
How do you know it's really Buster?
Tweaks & Reviews
> > How do we know when that picture was taken? Show a picture of Buster
> holding
> > today's newspaper! :)
> How do you know it's really Buster?
> --
> Slot
> Tweaks & Reviews
Judging from the pictures, that candy cane Buster is trying to eat
gives me the impression that you are trying to pass off two Christmas
pictures as being recent. I'm afraid at this point that Buster must
be dead. <pauses for a moment of silence>
> How do we know it's you? You'll need 3 forms of photo ID sir... ;-)
> > > How do we know when that picture was taken? Show a picture of Buster
> > holding
> > > today's newspaper! :)
> > How do you know it's really Buster?
> > --
> > Slot
> > Tweaks & Reviews
> >
> ***ing would have been too good for him IMHO, I would have done to him
> what he did to his I said, cruelty to animals is one of
> them things that gets me going :-|
Your mouse has moved. Windows must be restarted for the change
to take effect. Reboot now?
|\ _,,,---,,_ I want to die like my Grandfather,
ZZZzz /,`.-'`' -. ;-;;,_ in his sleep.
|,4- ) )-,_. ,\ ( `'-' Not like the people in his car,
'---''(_/--' `-'\_) screaming their heads off!
So, two cats walk into a bar....
> >> >> Troll? me? troll?
> >> >> r u sure?
> >> >> I respect your intelligence. But what you said was funny, and I
> >laughed.
> >> >Try again.....
> >> try again?
> >> why?
> >You just made his point for him. :)
> And how the hell did I do that?
A troll is someone who trolls. Someone who makes a provocative post for the
express purpose of generating heated response.
Trolling in the real world is a fishing technique where you drag a line
behind a boat and randomly hope something comes across it and bites.
A troll is an an ugly little charecter who lives under a bridge and eats
billy goats who try to cross it.
You see the analogies?
Just fine, thank you.