> thus spoke:
> >Ok. To those few who have expressed concern after my post about hurling my
> >cat, I assure you that Buster is alive and well and I was only joking.
> >Pictures of him (alive of course) are temporarily on display at
> >www.slottweak.com under the News for May 25. Also, I do not really want any
> >free kittens and I have never felt like tearing my wheel off my desk. For
> >those who didn't read the post or just don't care, I apologize for taking up
> >space with this (ridiculous) post.
> Hehe...got the animal rights activists after you, eh?
There's only a few things in this world that get me really mad, and
people hurting and killing animals for fun is one of them, if I thought
for a second that he wasn't joking......
I don't know, could be from the time I saw my neighbors cat after he had
been stabbed over 50 times with a ski pole or something (nope, we never
found the bastard who did it, which is why I'm not serving 20 to life or
something), so for some reason I don't find jokes like that very
Beers and cheers
(uncle) Goy
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