cup physics weight distribution? Even their Trans Am physics had a
weird front right tire temp thing that was out of whack too?
On Wed, 16 Feb 2005 01:01:10 GMT, "Bill Bollinger"
>Remember that N3 didn't even have a dedicated server package when it was
>released. I believe this release will be very good and shot a LOT of
>potential. If they get the dedicated server package fixed (Admin commands
>installed), everyone will move to NSR online. They have fixed the online
>problems N2003 have suffered from since N4.
>Bill Bollinger
>> Thanks. Well if it is missing that much out of the box I'd wager that it
>> is dead already to most of the sim world. Waiting on a patch to a buggy
>> game that isn't even on the shelf isn't going to impress anyone. For a
>> title they focused at a simmers they are missing a lot of simmer features
>> IMHO.
>>> Schooner,
>>> Joe's website forums ( might shed some light
>>> onto what your asking. TO ME, In a nutshell EA decided to go gold with a
>>> lot of missing parts for "online" usability, for one example, the
>>> f2-space (that is in NRxx) to see intervals between your car and others.
>>> plus ways to control dedicated servers remotely (no dedicated commands to
>>> used by admins like we can papy dedicated servers as last I read) only a
>>> voting system I guess? plus other things like outputing/exporting of
>>> resuslts files, you know so post editing can detected I think, and some
>>> other things...
>>> Sorry I can't recall all the specific ones, there was seemingly quite a
>>> "list" from several different discussions... But EA has seemed to
>>> convince many that they will get this stuff fixed in promised a patch.
>>> Me? Well I dont know, it is kinda like selling anything... once it is
>>> money in your pocket, would you care? I can only hope in this case that
>>> EA will, I mean they are going to want to sell me games stuff eventually
>>> right?
>>> BUT if things keep going, & they end up being the only game
>>> publisher/developer in town anymore, which some reports they are be very
>>> 'Borg' like at EA.
>>> Schooner enlightened us with:
>>>> I hope it is, we need something to revive NASCAR sim racing. Leagues
>>>> are slowly drying up as is.
>>>> I'm just curious about hat the OP said.
>>>>> I wouldn't be saying that. Mr. Hawkins just had a FANTASTIC Q&A
>>>>> session on (Teamspeak)
>>>>> NSR looks to be a kick ass release :)
>>>>> Bill Bollinger
>>>>>> Yes I agree. First stating that you expect the initial release to
>>>>>> be too buggy to use and they stating you are waiting on the patch. May
>>>>>> as well say you have no plans to buy or use it ever ;-)
>>>>>>>> "For season 1, we plan to run NASCAR Racing 2003 Season. For
>>>>>>>> season 2,
>>>>>>>> if EA comes out with the patch for NASCAR Sim Racing, we plan to
>>>>>>>> switch at that time."
>>>>>>>> It hasn't been released yet and your waiting on a patch to fix
>>>>>>>> it. So what is the big issue so far?
>>>>>>> "Planning" on a patch from EA is a slippery slope to be treading ;)
>>>>>>> Mitch
>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>> Remove "nospam." to reply.
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