"John Simmons" <said:>
That's exactly what I mean John... "stupid moves" as in driving beyond
their limits and/or going flat out on cold tires...
Look at 9/10 of my restarts - I always loose ground to those in front....
Why? Because I go seven "tenths", as old Jenks would put it. I always try
to do a few laps before I start picking up the pace... And usually that does
the trick. The problem is that we have god damn many yellows that we never
even get any heat into our tires.
The odd exception here being when I do something stupid as trying to go 3
wide into T1.. (Dave lost momentum and Jan was going a bit too slow (iirc)
so I thought I could squeese thru...)
I do agree on the practice bit though... people really need to learn how to
drive within **their** limits.
$10 says Petter Solberg wins the 2003 WRC