5 days after the accident and now NASCAR suddenly has this torn seat belt to
clear them of any wrong doing or responsibility for the lack of enforced
safety standards. Oddly though, the doctor's report and all other accounts
until this point failed to mention anything to do with this issue - even
though they where in the car and extracted his body from it meaning they
would have easily seen a seat belt damaged enough to cause his body to move
about the***pit.
And still, a damage lap belt doesn't explain the basalar skull fracture
described in almost all of the doctors previous accounts. If something
sickens you people it should be this blatent cover up of the truth to shift
the blame away from them and their lack of saftey regulations. Maybe they
were getting tired of hearing about the HANS device and why they don't
implement it like CART and F1 - and see...they are right, it would not have
helped because he died due to a failed safety device.
Before you flame me take a look at this and tell me I'm crazy and NASCAR is
doing everything it can to protect it's drivers.