> It would seem that the infuriating black sky problem is still there with the
> new patch. Does anyone know of any other way to solve this?
> It puzzles me that hardly anyone mentions this as I see this as a really big
> problem. I know its with variable weather turned on but expert mode doesn't
> allow you to turn it off.
> Any help appreciated.
> Dean
Hey Dean,
I saw this thread and passed it on by, I assumed you were not running
on a 3dfx card. I too have the Orchid and have never seen the evil black
sky. I can only figure that it must be a driver problem. You have the
option of running the newest Orchid drivers, slightly older Orchid
drivers, or like me, just run whatever is the newest set of reference
drivers from 3dfx. Those seem to work great for me and will run any
game/sim just fine, AFAIK. Heck, all the 3dfx cards are so similer, if
those don't work try the Diamond drivers for their Monster 3d. One set
will work for you on your system.
Good luck, all the best, Mike
Michael S. Davis
Creative Media-Works
Computer/Audio/Video Convergence
"from Creative minds spring Creative solutions."