I'm trying to get in touch with the company that makes the
Competition Driving System- It might be called Extreme
Competition Controls- does anyone have their address/email/etc?
I'm trying to get in touch with the company that makes the
Competition Driving System- It might be called Extreme
Competition Controls- does anyone have their address/email/etc?
the WWW page of the ECCI company is at
Josh Beaulieu
>>Subject: Extreme Competition Controls
>>Date: 5 Feb 1996 20:14:28 GMT
>>I'm trying to get in touch with the company that makes the
>>Competition Driving System- It might be called Extreme
>>Competition Controls- does anyone have their address/email/etc?
>Yes, the homepage is: ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/extreme. I would
>think twice about buying it though, unless you have an endless supply of loot
>(I hear it's awesome, but it's over $500 US).
>Josh Beaulieu
Harrier Storage Solutions Legato NetWorker
42 Ivanhoe Road, Finchampstead AMASS, Baydel
Berkshire, RG40 4QQ EuroLogic, Banyan
http://www.harrier.com HP, IBM, Sun, DEC
Uk Phone 1734 328 282 SG, NT, Novell
Fax 731 130
>Yes, the homepage is: ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/extreme. I would
>think twice about buying it though, unless you have an endless supply of loot
>(I hear it's awesome, but it's over $500 US).
Sorry, but your "I would think twice about buying it" sounds very
Stuart Booth
Somewhere in Epsom, England, UK.
This is the Homepage from Thomas Super Wheel.
It has the same functionality as the Extreme and a additional
up/down shift stick.
It is very solid and i have no doubt, to give it to kids. They
have no chance to break it.
The Handling is very smooth.
Overal i am very pleased with it !
The Total cost, Including shipment to Switzerland was
$346.00 US
It will be
$371.00 US
In the future.
> >>I'm trying to get in touch with the company that makes the
> >>Competition Driving System- It might be called Extreme
> >>Competition Controls- does anyone have their address/email/etc?
> >Yes, the homepage is: ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/extreme. I would
> >think twice about buying it though, unless you have an endless supply of loot
> >(I hear it's awesome, but it's over $500 US).
> And that's if you live in the US. Here in the UK there's the
> airfreight shipping and handling charge, customs tax, VAT and an
> additional charge to extract the package from the warehouse, all on
> top of the basic cost. I'll admit I had to think twice but I don't
> regret it now!
> Sorry, but your "I would think twice about buying it" sounds very
> negative.
> Stuart
> --
> Stuart Booth
> Somewhere in Epsom, England, UK.