I loved SODA when it first came out. I had a brand new Rendition card and a
new Formula T2. Although the graphics were on the sparse side, the physics
were well modeled. I remember going off a jump one time with a slight side
angle. Watching the replay in slow motion, you could see each wheel hit the
ground in a sequence of LF, RF, RR, LR as the car was in a small corkscrew
in the air. As each corner hit, the individual suspension pieces compressed
and rebounded. It was Papyrus's first four point physics model, and it was
incredible to watch in action. Oh, and as it tire hit the ground there was a
little puff of dirt!!
Another time as I jumped off a ramp I gunned the engine. The torque of the
rear wheels caused the car to somersault backwards in the air, and it hit
the ground just as it completed a full revolution. Never could duplicate
that trick again!
It's got a great track editor also. Used to be several sites with fan
tracks. One I created was over 2.5 miles, not bad when the work area is only
a quarter mile square. It was great fun. It was really a shame it sold so
poorly that Papy decided against spending time upgrading it for 3DFX or D3D.
> > SODA used the old FF technology API (version 1.0 of i-force) and is
> > incompatible with today's Force feedback wheels.
> Oh well. I probably won't bother trying it any more. I've got other fish
> to fry. Off to Laguna Seca.
> Cheers
> Phil
> --
> http://www.youpies.co.uk