:> : Greetings,
:> : I bought Electronics Arts: The Need for Speed Special Edition
:> : yesterday and got the game installed under Win95 and then used the
:> : Joystick configuration utility.... I have a GUS Max soundcard which is
:> : where the joystick gameport is and have a CH FlightStick plugged into it.
:> : However, when I played the game, I can only use the keyboard or mouse,
:> : what am I doing wrong? Thanks in advance for any help.
:> This took me forever to figure out since the instructions with the
:> original version of the game didn't detail this. However, just go to
:> configure and highlight steering. Then press your spacebar. That should
:> help you out.
Actually, that wasn't the problem... It seems JCU would lock up
when it's exiting if you run it from Win95 but I fixed the problem when I
went to Win95 DOS Bootup mode and ran JCU... Anyways, how well can you
steer in the game with a joystick or what's the best solution besides
getting that steering wheel thing.... Thanks for your suggestion though
since that was a problem but I figured it out... Also, on my FlightStick,
there is a throttle wheel, is that any use in the game?
UC Berkeley AstroPhysics (B.S.) - Electrical Engineering (Honorary B.S.)
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