You can find 8 meg versions for even less, and they'll probably run GPL the
same, but for some games the extra memory helps.
Definitely get a Voodoo2 - a 12mb one if you can afford it.
John Simmons - Redneck Techno-Biker (Zerex12)
John Simmons - Barbarian Diecast Collector
If you want to send me email, go to either of the URL's
shown above & click "Send Me Mail" in the contents frame.
>>I have a P2 266 with STB Velocity 128 AGP. Can't believe that
>>GPL could run so slowly on such a "fast machine". OK - so I
>>need a 3dfx card. Only found out what that was yesterday...
>>Is there anyone who can suggest the best way forward with 3D
>>graphics - Voodoo2 has been recommended.
>Definitely get a Voodoo2 - a 12mb one if you can afford it.
At this price I may double up soon and cruise in SLI mode for
I just ordered a Voodoo2 board and did quite a bit of research. I went with
the Monster2 from Diamond. I ordered it from and there is a
$50 rebate until October 31st. The card is around $225 but with the rebate
it falls in line with the other cards mentioned here on the NG. I went for
the Monster2 because of the purported better performance, support, drivers