I have to believe it would be a fairly time consuming issue, and it all
comes down to getting as much as they can into the sim in the time allotted
to do it.
Don Burnette
D Burnette in N4
Some people do nothing wrong.
The problem is, they do nothing.
And THAT is wrong.
> Nascar Heat has no save. GPL has no save. N4 has no save. These are
> very complex sims done by two and maybe three separate teams. Yet none
> have an in-race save game feature. Is it because all the programmers feel
> saving is bad?(in that case there would be no arcade-F10-Kite view)
> or is it because a sim with the kind of complexity that the above have
> it very difficult to create a workable save function. Perhaps it is just
> matter of
> room. How big would the file be? 42 cars times X amout of bytes...
> i know N99 and the others had a race save option...but really....are any
> of the previous nascar titles even close to the current generation?
> dave henrie
> > I would be OK with a save function that only operated from your pit
> > It may be a lot easier to program and it would sure be a lot easier to
> > re-join the race :)
> > Marc.
> ...
> > > I find it a big-time letdown that there is no save-game feature in N4
> > > well as NH...