I have just mucked around with my setting for connection and dial-up and
have imporved my LATency!!!! in GPL
I did a lot of things but mainly got it from.. this site:
What I did was do all the recommended stuff.. turn off error
corection.. adjust the buffer sliders.. etc....
Then.. I also changed the PORT setting.. under the Drivers manager..
I also put this intialisation string into the connection..
This is for my USR / 3Com Sportster Flash 56k v.90(flash upgrade)
I then also got this program called iSpeed... get it from TUCOWS...
I loaded the OPtimum setting.. plus what this site said to do.. and
restarted my pc
I dialed up my NEW connection.. and then try a race...
Now normally i get about .278 - .333
First lat check...
.222 !!!
then in the race .278 !!!
Now I normaly get .333 in race.. and that is with about 3 ppl..
I was getting .278 with 3 ppl..
now that may not seem much.. but it iwas enough to make a dif.. no real
Try it..
If we all have this and get it to workk.. then cook...
Voodoo 2..
Win 98
56k V.90 modem
I can't garentee this.. but it worked for me.. and I'm not complaining
Does anyone else have anything else??
Have I missed something??
if you want the info.. buzz me.. and I'll send it to you..
James Pickard,