> What I'm trying to say is, there are other sims out there that for ME
> simulate driving a little better. As Jan says, there are a lot of weird
> things going on in the GPL engine. Because it blew every other 'sim' out of
> the water when it was released, people are now a little blind to this fact I
> think. Sort of starstruck. Someone like me, who gave GPL a good go but let
> it rest for 5 years and comes back to it, notices these things probably a
> little more than people who've been at it solidly since release.
Yet GPL is one of the only sims not to have third party physics updates as the
general 3rd party community don't have the facility. The remainder seem to have
a plethora of "real" physics updates all of which claim to offer real car like
driving yet are so different in feel from each other.
To me this just highlights the personal preference in feel from these sims. They
*have* to fool the brain into providing that sensation of losing the backend,
replacing the seat of the pants feel from the physics via visual, audible and
force feedback cues. For a considerable number, GPL has provided that feel and
still does, unsurpassed by anything that has come out for that genre.
For others there will be alternative sims that have that combination of factors
to provide that feel. Doesn't mean either set are wrong - its just what works
for each individual. Just as in any racing series what suits one driver
perfectly is an evil pig for another, I would argue the substitue cues for real
physics exaggerate this even more.
As Jan has said some have adopted a driving style and car setup approach which
matches as closely as possible to real life. For those GPL seems the most
realistic simulator available simply because there is a match between the cues
and driving style. Doesn't mean anyone else is wrong - it simply fits.
Personally I prefer the graphical style of Papy sims to the EA F1 series. With
the add ons GPL is a more immersive and easy on the eye sim, whilst the EA
series provide great static shots but the in game graphics leave me cold. Purely
my preference. It may not seem important but I think it adds to the visual cues
and hence the feel factor again.
Despite its age I can't think of a sim (exluding Nascar) that provides a better
feel factor, regardless of the known limitation of the engine at extremes. That
is with some extensive times away from the sim as new things come out and one
expects to ditch GPL just as F1GP, ICR, GP2, ICR2, RS were ditched
unceremoniously as a new toy came out top replace it beforehand.
All IMHO off course!