to make a few comments...
FFB - great so far. Best ever, maybe? I haven't bought any new sims
since N2003, so maybe there is something better out there... I'm using
a black Logitech Momo. All I had to do was move the FFB strength
slider to the negative side, and life is good. Haven't had to mess
with INI files or anything which is a welcome improvement over previous
ISI work.
BTW, I don't really feel any rolling off of the steering force when the
front wheels start to slide. Remedy? I'm currently using the 'high'
setting, one step below full. This setting works fine. I don't mind
the extra vibration and stuff. But all I really care about are the
steering forces. Is there a different setting that filters out
everything but the steering forces?
Graphics - I can't really say much here. For anyone that started back
in the days of 16 color 320x300... I can't imagine complaining. It is
pretty good. I do get a significant slow down at times. Usually when
it slows down, it's slow all the way around the track. Sometimes it
clears up, sometimes not.
I expected more multiplayer activity. Not many racers online right
now. Plus, it seems really fragmented. So many different series - It
might be tough if you are looking to drive against people using a
certain car on a certain track.
As far as the physics, everything seems acceptable. The F3's feel
really good, other than the default setup is pretty loose at Toban and
the steering lock was a little high for me. I'm having trouble sensing
wheel lock-up under braking. Can tire noise volume be increased
AI - I keep getting ran into. I've lowered aggression... What was the
.ini line that needs modified?
Loving it so far.
Pat Dotson
Pat Dotson