very realistic in terms of amount of failures seen in full races. I have
recently noticed that there is an 'Attrition' setting in the race circuit
GDB files which varies with each circuit. So it may be a matter of
increasing the figure to get more failures. For example in Silverstone 2002
it shows the line 'Attrition=14' which I assume means 14% of a certain
weighted average mechanical failures rate. For Germany this figure is in the
40's. So I would try messing around with it if you want higher failures. I
am hoping that it works with all mechanical failures settings like
'timscaled' and 'normal' and isnt just used when you have the failures on
'season'. But I will report back later on the results. An early test seemed
to show more failures on Silverstone with it set at 75% but Im pretty sure
that this wouldnt mean that you would necessarily get 75% of the drivers
dropping out. Rather it will be weighted to an average failure rate. And it
probably is randomised slightly as well somehow. Anyway we shall see.
Interesting game. Nice to see its so customisable. Shame there isnt anyone
on this website from the developers who could explain all of this stuff.
Theres certainly lots hiding under the hood of this game like extra visual
effects and gameplay options if you take the time to look for them.
Nigel 'Nats' Stutt
"Its life, Jim, but not as we know it."