I understand that it uses the MS FF technology but the games that come
with it are (I think) all demos. I haven't really tried out the games
as I've been using it with Motorhead, Colin McRae Rally and F1RS.
>I understand that it uses the MS FF technology but the games that come
>with it are (I think) all demos. I haven't really tried out the games
>as I've been using it with Motorhead, Colin McRae Rally and F1RS.
>> Just want to know if this wheel is worth getting?
>> It is advertised as having the MS force feedback software with it.It
>> looks pretty decent,just wanna know if it is worth investigating.
The only missing link is the programmable fuction software is not complete- so
no bindings of keystrokes to buttons :(
Daniel Lichtenberger, Vienna/Austria
> The only missing link is the programmable fuction software is not complete- so
> no bindings of keystrokes to buttons :(
> Z.
>> It not a bad wheel- the only wheel to have both flippers and a shifter other
>> than the Thrustmaster.
>> The only missing link is the programmable fuction software is not complete-
> so
>> no bindings of keystrokes to buttons :(
>> Z.
>Er, ah, my TSW Formula has both a shift lever and flippers (paddles).
>They both operate buttons 1 and 2; so you have a choice. Buttons on the
>front of the wheel operate 3 and 4.
>Bill Yowell
>Remove "NOSPAM" to reply
I bought the R4 non-force wheel and I like it. The pedals are great,
however the wheel feels a little wobbly at the boss. I think this may be
because it is exactly the same wheel as the force wheel, only with out the
extra mechanism.
Daniel Lichtenberger, Vienna/Austria