I've decided that a spitting match with a snake is not only dangerous for my
health, it's probably not very much fun in the long run - so feel free
sunshine - in the end, on this thread, remains my post, to you, for which
you have no reply because - just like most americans of your ilk (those,
that is, that cheer from the sidelines while the players are taking you for
the biggest ride of your life) - you have mistaken shouting like rush for
actual information.
Just for the record son, Fox and rush are entertainment; they're as real as
Mickey Mouse. And dumber to boot. And you look really silly when you try to
shout and jump up and down when presented with them little inconvenient
facts - see, honey, on the net, rush can't turn off the mike's, and foxy
can't bully the guests. Sucks, doesn't it?
> it" which your bulshit by not even refuting the truth as it was put to
> you!!!
> Lets see should I go through an pick these out one by one? no, aint
> wasting my time, but here are a couple...
> You got more on your side than me huh, out oin some real world HUH? yep
> that is exactly why you didnt win the national vote huh? Yet another LIE.
> Yes I dint know you were some New York immigrant when I typed this, so I
> assumed you were from somewhere, but doesnt matter, Im man enough to say
> ooops.
> lastly dumbass, with your logic... as you put it: Since I produce food
> out here in fly over country, & everything and everyone that eats food,
> eventually dies, No exceptions, and I am culpable?
> What a moron!
> alex martini enlightened us with:
>> Plowboy, it is a bit silly to argue with a "get the facts straight"
>> presentation when your facts are about as straight as Michael Jackson
>> with a fistful of adolescent ass ...
>> Now, let's get things right here - firstly, I am glad you understand
>> and acknowledge that Saddam was your man, and that every civilian
>> death in Iraq makes your government - and you, by extension -
>> culpable. It must, no doubt, have brought you many sleepless nights
>> sealed in that sweaty stench of guilt ...
>> But, be that as it may, you are right, there are not many
>> industrialized nations that are not also predatory nations (only that
>> their instincts have been well-culled by two wars and 100million
>> dead, not to mention the absolute destruction of their nations, a
>> fate which has yet to befall your nation - why, 9-11 was enough for
>> you to destabilize an entire planet, start two wars, cancel the UN
>> Charter, scrap the Geneva Convention, start up concentration camps
>> and begin carting Arab men away into the night); however, Plowboy,
>> where you go wrong is in some rather significant areas; you see, when
>> YOU decided to "implant" the Shah on the Iranian people - the Shah
>> who used to rather enjoy the sport of mass-killing on the streets -
>> it was the self-same Iranian people (against the Shah, and his
>> killers, sponsored by the US Govt) who liberated themselves.
>> That, Plowboy, is the very definition of democracy; a people, angered,
>> rising as one voice, one giant great tide to wash away the killers
>> like a ... mmmm - a tsunami!
>> But, Plowboy, you see, that kind of democracy - home-grown as it were
>> - is not quite what you had in mind for the Middle East, was it? Oh
>> no - because this act of liberation inspired in Americans like
>> yourself a loathing of such epic proportions that you decided that
>> what was necessary was a punishment for them eye-ranians - and so you
>> happily imposed good ol Saddam in Iraq.
>> And why? That's right, Plowboy, in order to bring death and
>> destruction on the Iranians who had the bad sense to rid themselves
>> of a killer - a tyrant - paid for by the US tax payer.
>> So good ol Saddam and rummie-dum-dum had themselves a good ol
>> tit-a-tit (so to speak eh?) about exactly what kind of gas warfare
>> would be the best punishment for those pesky Iranians who decided to
>> overthrow their lord and master from Washington DC.
>> So now, Plowboy, we fast forward two decades and what do we have?
>> Well, we have the Iranians - gassed and murdered by the tens of 1,000
>> in the Iraq-Iran war (brought to you by the taxpayers of the
>> US/USSR); and we have the mad mullahs in Iran entrenched because of
>> their natural suspicions of western style democtracy (and who can
>> blame eh!) - and we have mad Saddam in Iraq - so mad is your boy
>> Saddam that he thinks he hears dubya's dadda give him the go-ahead to
>> annex Kuwait (and why not, after-all Kuwait was just another
>> artificial nation invented by the forefather of predatory nations,
>> the Brits); what mad Saddam doesn't realize, sadly, is that dadda
>> dubya's a bit tired of old Saddam, who he knows very well, doesn't
>> he, since dadda was CIA chief in the good days when men like Saddam
>> were their little playthings ...
>> And then we fast forward another ten years and we get our new improved
>> dubya - who insists that Saddam has them there WMD. Which was a lie.
>> And insists that the US want to rid Iraq of their butcher - which is
>> a lie, since the butcher came from the US to begin with, and has been
>> there for three decades, the last of which has been under the severe
>> restrictions of the US and UN. In fact, so well behaved has Saddam
>> been in the last decade that he looks positively - democratic - when
>> compared to the US's other friends in the region - the Egyptians, the
>> Israelis, the Jordanians, the Saudis ... yes, old Iraq looked quite
>> good during the 90s, considering their human rights violations were
>> like the sins of schoolchildren compared to your 'other' special
>> buddies in the area ...
>> See, Plowboy, if you were really that interested in Iraqis - you'd
>> not have sat around and watched as the Kurds were brutally murdered
>> after Gulf War 1 after having been urged to insurrect by dadda dubya
>> - only to turn his back when Saddam decided to blow em to kingdom
>> come ... see, Plowboy, the same men who were in power then -
>> rummie-dum-dum, the bushes, cheney - they're the same scumbags who
>> are in charge now - so whaddya want me to believe, that they found
>> God and Morality in the 90s while Bill Clinton made em all poor?
>> I don't think so Plowboy. If you cared so much for the Iraqi people,
>> Plowboy, you'd not have bombed Baghdad, a civilian city with a
>> population of over 40% under the age of 10 ... and you wouldn't have
>> sat around defending the ministry of oil while our culture - our
>> culture, Plowboy, because the West started in Iraq, would ya believe
>> - was looted. See, Plowboy, if you cared so much for the Iraqi
>> people, you wouldn't still have 150,000 of your soldiers running riot
>> through the streets - you wouldn't have had abu ghraib ...
>> But I sense I waste my time Plowboy, because you're one of those
>> 'muricans that not only cannot see the woods from the trees, or the
>> trees from the forest, he doesn't know a fucking tree if it landed
>> plum straight on his head (which, in your case, would be a blessing
>> since your head, surely, is your most invulnerable part, am I right,
>> Plowboy?).
>> So, a suggestion; take this stuff to fox and rush. Out here, in the
>> big world, you sound precisely as you are - a hypocrite desperate to
>> justify his beloved leader's delusions of empire ... and it just
>> don't hold oil, Plowboy.
>> And when, Plowboy, you speak for "americans", spare a thought for the
>> 40 odd million who rejected your extremist, blood-curdling loony
>> right-wing propaganda ... last time I checked, they too were still
>> Americans.
>> "Plowboy" <DoNotre...@nowhere.com> wrote in message
>> news:PFd5e.11858$AL.630@lakeread08...
>>> Get this straight Alex...
>>> yes Sadam was 'one of our guys' and yes time proved we were
>>> duped... Alex, are you saying that because we (much like germany and
>>> other countries over time who made seemingly stupid error in
>>> judgement, you know like electing Hitler) helped get Sa-dayum get
>>> into his position, Well now, you think that we should have had a
>>> 'hands off' approach to his actions and everything? yeah I think
>>> about it more and more, Im cool with that because he might hate the
>>> US, but he's in your GD backyard... but since we didnt.... And FYI...
>>> Kohmeni was a threat, back when,
>>> so in efforts to help the good in the area, as apposed to maybe
>>> helping KING hussein or other dictators, we activily supported
>>> Sa-damn back when he at least was foolish enough to go along with
>>> the US's (albeit the rest of the world's opinion) of how life should
>>> & could be, especially at the time... You come across as one who would
>>> forsake removing a leaking (and
>>> killing) breast implant for the simple fact of "just leave it there,
>>> because you just had to have it just a few short years ago"
>>> mentality. that is fine, again if I personally was incharge, you so
>>> much as have a sneezing eppedimic over where you live, by god Ill
>>> stay out of it, because I am by your standards EVIL american,
>>> because you dont care to see the trees for the forests that the
>>> mentality of a person who can kill whoever whenver he pleases for
>>> whatever reason (you know like KINGS used to) then there is but
>>> little hope for you and your country... BTW, Your facts are flawed
>>> because we helped Sadam get to where he
>>> was BECAUSE OF THE F**KING SHAW was being overthrown by this
>>> fundamentally terrorist groups of people who came to power that
>>> threaten you and me almost daily with terror, again I point to
>>> Kohemeni (spelling unsure)... Change the facts any?
>>> I think we went against Sa-dayum,
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