>>but the pope is still in bed so who cares. the american media is as bad
>>as north korea's
Is that you Papadoc?
>> Take your ***ing political ***elsewhere ***.
>>>but the pope is still in bed so who cares. the american media is as bad
>>>as north korea's
>> Take your ***ing political ***elsewhere ***.
>>>but the pope is still in bed so who cares. the american media is as bad
>>>as north korea's
And americans wonder why the entire world dislike them. Hehe.
>> but the pope is still in bed so who cares. the american media is as
>> bad as north korea's
"I" wonder why we sent our Army(you seemed to have forgotten the Air
Force, Navy, Marines, National Guard and reservists) in to secure oil, yet
my price at the pump has almost doubled! And..we KNOW the world dislikes
us. That's too bad, we have dozens of fine folk we care?
Have a big waterslide slop up on your coast and then see who you start
yelling to for help.
Have a nice day.
dave henrie
I will add right back at Ass-gear... that thier sorry asses dont give a
rats ass that the guy that was being removed from power killed thousands of
his own civilians, just to 'rule' as it was his perogotive... Kept his
country worse scenarios than 3rd workd countries keep sheep.
I find it exceptionally funny as shit, that All this yet when his country's
kings and others did same (ruled with an iron***and more) they overthrew
thier own government... We helped them in Iraq, better than you can do and
you hate me for it. figures though because I think, Asgeir would just say
matter of factly "been there done that," as if it were a story told from
mine or his grandpa, about walking to school... uphil... bothways... no,
instead of realizing some traditions they hold dear, not all the rest of us
do, assgear says "***ING let them walk (or die), like we did"...
BTW, Ass-gear, how many poor civilian casualty memorials does your country
have, and are there holidays around the events? Do you even have a count of
civilians that were killed to get it so easy like you do have it now?
in the 'hated US of A, I know we feel badly for those who died in any form
of military involvement, but damn, talk about blinded man.
Dave Henrie enlightened us with:
>> And americans wonder why the entire world dislike them. Hehe.
> "I" wonder why we sent our Army(you seemed to have forgotten the Air
> Force, Navy, Marines, National Guard and reservists) in to secure
> oil, yet my price at the pump has almost doubled! And..we KNOW the
> world dislikes us. That's too bad, we have dozens of fine folk
> we care?
> Have a big waterslide slop up on your coast and then see who you
> start yelling to for help.
> Have a nice day.
> dave henrie
> I will add right back at Ass-gear... that thier sorry asses dont give a
> rats ass that the guy that was being removed from power killed thousands
> of his own civilians, just to 'rule' as it was his perogotive... Kept his
> country worse scenarios than 3rd workd countries keep sheep.
> I find it exceptionally funny as shit, that All this yet when his
> country's kings and others did same (ruled with an iron***and more)
> they overthrew thier own government... We helped them in Iraq, better
> than you can do and you hate me for it. figures though because I think,
> Asgeir would just say matter of factly "been there done that," as if it
> were a story told from mine or his grandpa, about walking to school...
> uphil... bothways... no, instead of realizing some traditions they hold
> dear, not all the rest of us do, assgear says "***ING let them walk (or
> die), like we did"...
> BTW, Ass-gear, how many poor civilian casualty memorials does your country
> have, and are there holidays around the events? Do you even have a count
> of civilians that were killed to get it so easy like you do have it now?
> in the 'hated US of A, I know we feel badly for those who died in any form
> of military involvement, but damn, talk about blinded man.
> Dave Henrie enlightened us with:
>>> And americans wonder why the entire world dislike them. Hehe.
>> "I" wonder why we sent our Army(you seemed to have forgotten the Air
>> Force, Navy, Marines, National Guard and reservists) in to secure
>> oil, yet my price at the pump has almost doubled! And..we KNOW the
>> world dislikes us. That's too bad, we have dozens of fine folk
>> we care?
>> Have a big waterslide slop up on your coast and then see who you
>> start yelling to for help.
>> Have a nice day.
>> dave henrie
yes Sadam was 'one of our guys' and yes time proved we were duped...
Alex, are you saying that because we (much like germany and other countries
over time who made seemingly stupid error in judgement, you know like
electing Hitler) helped get Sa-dayum get into his position, Well now, you
think that we should have had a 'hands off' approach to his actions and
everything? yeah I think about it more and more, Im cool with that because
he might hate the US, but he's in your GD backyard...
but since we didnt.... And FYI... Kohmeni was a threat, back when, so in
efforts to help the good in the area, as apposed to maybe helping KING
hussein or other dictators, we activily supported Sa-damn back when he at
least was foolish enough to go along with the US's (albeit the rest of the
world's opinion) of how life should & could be, especially at the time...
You come across as one who would forsake removing a leaking (and killing)
*** implant for the simple fact of "just leave it there, because you just
had to have it just a few short years ago" mentality. that is fine, again
if I personally was incharge, you so much as have a sneezing eppedimic over
where you live, by god Ill stay out of it, because I am by your standards
EVIL american, because you dont care to see the trees for the forests that
the mentality of a person who can kill whoever whenver he pleases for
whatever reason (you know like KINGS used to) then there is but little hope
for you and your country...
BTW, Your facts are flawed because we helped Sadam get to where he was
BECAUSE OF THE F**KING SHAW was being overthrown by this fundamentally
terrorist groups of people who came to power that threaten you and me almost
daily with terror, again I point to Kohemeni (spelling unsure)... Change
the facts any?
I think we went against Sa-dayum, for a whole good of the region, and
because not only did he kill his own people who couldnt fix thier own
problem, no more than Germany could stop Shitler at the time, but supported
the killing of people who didnt say "yes massah, kill my cousin,*** my
women" to any whim he concieved. You act as though my country liberated
this country so that we could*** the women, and all that , or you dont
care, and think*** & *** is nothing to dislike, and is just a-ok? that
tells me you dont bother to think. I dont really care so much more than to
attempt to straighten some blatant Bullshit stuff, but since we're
fundamentally different I say good day to you, so have a nice life..
BTW History proves it was the right thing to get rid of the worthless
F**K called Shitler, even though at 1st you must admit, he looked like a
savior for his country and countrymen. Does the results of ww2 change the
facts about this case against hitler? was he some docile little 'govenor'
who was framed and wronged? I think not, I bet you agree, especaily if you
were a Jew that lived anywhere near Germany. yes Hitler did some (few)
remarkable things, like the autobahn which is the model our country used to
creat the freeways we have now, but how it got done, was it worth it?
alex martini enlightened us with:
>> I will add right back at Ass-gear... that thier sorry asses dont
>> give a rats ass that the guy that was being removed from power
>> killed thousands of his own civilians, just to 'rule' as it was his
>> perogotive... Kept his country worse scenarios than 3rd workd
>> countries keep sheep. I find it exceptionally funny as shit, that All
>> this yet when his
>> country's kings and others did same (ruled with an iron***and
>> more) they overthrew thier own government... We helped them in
>> Iraq, better than you can do and you hate me for it. figures
>> though because I think, Asgeir would just say matter of factly "been
>> there done that," as if it were a story told from mine or his
>> grandpa, about walking to school... uphil... bothways... no,
>> instead of realizing some traditions they hold dear, not all the
>> rest of us do, assgear says "***ING let them walk (or die), like we
>> did"... BTW, Ass-gear, how many poor civilian casualty memorials does
>> your
>> country have, and are there holidays around the events? Do you even
>> have a count of civilians that were killed to get it so easy like
>> you do have it now? in the 'hated US of A, I know we feel badly for those
>> who died in
>> any form of military involvement, but damn, talk about blinded man.
>> Dave Henrie enlightened us with:
>>>> And americans wonder why the entire world dislike them. Hehe.
>>> "I" wonder why we sent our Army(you seemed to have forgotten the
>>> Air Force, Navy, Marines, National Guard and reservists) in to
>>> secure oil, yet my price at the pump has almost doubled! And..we
>>> KNOW the world dislikes us. That's too bad, we have dozens of fine
>>> folk we care?
>>> Have a big waterslide slop up on your coast and then see who you
>>> start yelling to for help.
>>> Have a nice day.
>>> dave henrie
Now, let's get things right here - firstly, I am glad you understand and
acknowledge that Saddam was your man, and that every civilian death in Iraq
makes your government - and you, by extension - culpable. It must, no doubt,
have brought you many sleepless nights sealed in that sweaty stench of guilt
But, be that as it may, you are right, there are not many industrialized
nations that are not also predatory nations (only that their instincts have
been well-culled by two wars and 100million dead, not to mention the
absolute destruction of their nations, a fate which has yet to befall your
nation - why, 9-11 was enough for you to destabilize an entire planet, start
two wars, cancel the UN Charter, scrap the Geneva Convention, start up
concentration camps and begin carting Arab men away into the night);
however, Plowboy, where you go wrong is in some rather significant areas;
you see, when YOU decided to "implant" the Shah on the Iranian people - the
Shah who used to rather enjoy the sport of mass-killing on the streets - it
was the self-same Iranian people (against the Shah, and his killers,
sponsored by the US Govt) who liberated themselves.
That, Plowboy, is the very definition of democracy; a people, angered,
rising as one voice, one giant great tide to wash away the killers like a
... mmmm - a tsunami!
But, Plowboy, you see, that kind of democracy - home-grown as it were - is
not quite what you had in mind for the Middle East, was it? Oh no - because
this act of liberation inspired in Americans like yourself a loathing of
such epic proportions that you decided that what was necessary was a
punishment for them eye-ranians - and so you happily imposed good ol Saddam
in Iraq.
And why? That's right, Plowboy, in order to bring death and destruction on
the Iranians who had the bad sense to rid themselves of a killer - a
tyrant - paid for by the US tax payer.
So good ol Saddam and rummie-dum-dum had themselves a good ol tit-a-tit (so
to speak eh?) about exactly what kind of gas warfare would be the best
punishment for those pesky Iranians who decided to overthrow their lord and
master from Washington DC.
So now, Plowboy, we fast forward two decades and what do we have? Well, we
have the Iranians - gassed and murdered by the tens of 1,000 in the
Iraq-Iran war (brought to you by the taxpayers of the US/USSR); and we have
the mad mullahs in Iran entrenched because of their natural suspicions of
western style democtracy (and who can blame eh!) - and we have mad Saddam in
Iraq - so mad is your boy Saddam that he thinks he hears dubya's dadda give
him the go-ahead to annex Kuwait (and why not, after-all Kuwait was just
another artificial nation invented by the forefather of predatory nations,
the Brits); what mad Saddam doesn't realize, sadly, is that dadda dubya's a
bit tired of old Saddam, who he knows very well, doesn't he, since dadda was
CIA chief in the good days when men like Saddam were their little playthings
And then we fast forward another ten years and we get our new improved
dubya - who insists that Saddam has them there WMD. Which was a lie. And
insists that the US want to rid Iraq of their butcher - which is a lie,
since the butcher came from the US to begin with, and has been there for
three decades, the last of which has been under the severe restrictions of
the US and UN. In fact, so well behaved has Saddam been in the last decade
that he looks positively - democratic - when compared to the US's other
friends in the region - the Egyptians, the Israelis, the Jordanians, the
Saudis ... yes, old Iraq looked quite good during the 90s, considering their
human rights violations were like the sins of schoolchildren compared to
your 'other' special buddies in the area ...
See, Plowboy, if you were really that interested in Iraqis - you'd not have
sat around and watched as the Kurds were brutally murdered after Gulf War 1
after having been urged to insurrect by dadda dubya - only to turn his back
when Saddam decided to blow em to kingdom come ... see, Plowboy, the same
men who were in power then - rummie-dum-dum, the bushes, cheney - they're
the same scumbags who are in charge now - so whaddya want me to believe,
that they found God and Morality in the 90s while Bill Clinton made em all
I don't think so Plowboy. If you cared so much for the Iraqi people,
Plowboy, you'd not have bombed Baghdad, a civilian city with a population of
over 40% under the age of 10 ... and you wouldn't have sat around defending
the ministry of oil while our culture - our culture, Plowboy, because the
West started in Iraq, would ya believe - was looted. See, Plowboy, if you
cared so much for the Iraqi people, you wouldn't still have 150,000 of your
soldiers running riot through the streets - you wouldn't have had abu ghraib
But I sense I waste my time Plowboy, because you're one of those 'muricans
that not only cannot see the woods from the trees, or the trees from the
forest, he doesn't know a fucking tree if it landed plum straight on his
head (which, in your case, would be a blessing since your head, surely, is
your most invulnerable part, am I right, Plowboy?).
So, a suggestion; take this stuff to fox and rush. Out here, in the big
world, you sound precisely as you are - a hypocrite desperate to justify his
beloved leader's delusions of empire ... and it just don't hold oil,
And when, Plowboy, you speak for "americans", spare a thought for the 40 odd
million who rejected your extremist, blood-curdling loony right-wing
propaganda ... last time I checked, they too were still Americans.
> yes Sadam was 'one of our guys' and yes time proved we were duped...
> Alex, are you saying that because we (much like germany and other
> countries over time who made seemingly stupid error in judgement, you know
> like electing Hitler) helped get Sa-dayum get into his position, Well now,
> you think that we should have had a 'hands off' approach to his actions
> and everything? yeah I think about it more and more, Im cool with that
> because he might hate the US, but he's in your GD backyard...
> but since we didnt.... And FYI... Kohmeni was a threat, back when, so in
> efforts to help the good in the area, as apposed to maybe helping KING
> hussein or other dictators, we activily supported Sa-damn back when he at
> least was foolish enough to go along with the US's (albeit the rest of the
> world's opinion) of how life should & could be, especially at the time...
> You come across as one who would forsake removing a leaking (and killing)
> breast implant for the simple fact of "just leave it there, because you
> just had to have it just a few short years ago" mentality. that is fine,
> again if I personally was incharge, you so much as have a sneezing
> eppedimic over where you live, by god Ill stay out of it, because I am by
> your standards EVIL american, because you dont care to see the trees for
> the forests that the mentality of a person who can kill whoever whenver he
> pleases for whatever reason (you know like KINGS used to) then there is
> but little hope for you and your country...
> BTW, Your facts are flawed because we helped Sadam get to where he was
> BECAUSE OF THE F**KING SHAW was being overthrown by this fundamentally
> terrorist groups of people who came to power that threaten you and me
> almost daily with terror, again I point to Kohemeni (spelling unsure)...
> Change the facts any?
> I think we went against Sa-dayum, for a whole good of the region, and
> because not only did he kill his own people who couldnt fix thier own
> problem, no more than Germany could stop Shitler at the time, but
> supported the killing of people who didnt say "yes massah, kill my cousin,
> rape my women" to any whim he concieved. You act as though my country
> liberated this country so that we could rape the women, and all that , or
> you dont care, and think rape & murder is nothing to dislike, and is just
> a-ok? that tells me you dont bother to think. I dont really care so much
> more than to attempt to straighten some blatant Bullshit stuff, but since
> we're fundamentally different I say good day to you, so have a nice life..
> BTW History proves it was the right thing to get rid of the worthless
> F**K called Shitler, even though at 1st you must admit, he looked like a
> savior for his country and countrymen. Does the results of ww2 change the
> facts about this case against hitler? was he some docile little 'govenor'
> who was framed and wronged? I think not, I bet you agree, especaily if
> you were a Jew that lived anywhere near Germany. yes Hitler did some
> (few) remarkable things, like the autobahn which is the model our country
> used to creat the freeways we have now, but how it got done, was it worth
> it?
> alex martini enlightened us with:
>> Uhm - pity Saddam was your man bud - sponsored and paid for by the US
>> taxpayer. Didn't hear too many complaints when he was gassing the
>> ranians - but I guess the Iranians had it coming after they decided
>> to go for their own freedom and overthrow the Shah - paid for by the
>> US citizens too ... so let's get the story straight here "plowboy";
>> if Iran overthrow a killer (the Shah, one that you sponsored), you
>> sponsor their neighbour to gas them - but if YOU - twenty thousand
>> miles removed - overthrow YOUR other killer, then the people of Iraq
>> should be geateful? And hey, if 100,000 Iraqi civilians get killed
>> while you bring some of that good ol liberation, well, that's just
>> them things,
read more »
Lets see should I go through an pick these out one by one? no, aint wasting
my time, but here are a couple...
You got more on your side than me huh, out oin some real world HUH? yep
that is exactly why you didnt win the national vote huh? Yet another LIE.
Yes I dint know you were some New York immigrant when I typed this, so I
assumed you were from somewhere, but doesnt matter, Im man enough to say
lastly dumbass, with your logic... as you put it: Since I produce food out
here in fly over country, & everything and everyone that eats food,
eventually dies, No exceptions, and I am culpable?
What a moron!
alex martini enlightened us with:
> Now, let's get things right here - firstly, I am glad you understand
> and acknowledge that Saddam was your man, and that every civilian
> death in Iraq makes your government - and you, by extension -
> culpable. It must, no doubt, have brought you many sleepless nights
> sealed in that sweaty stench of guilt ...
> But, be that as it may, you are right, there are not many
> industrialized nations that are not also predatory nations (only that
> their instincts have been well-culled by two wars and 100million
> dead, not to mention the absolute destruction of their nations, a
> fate which has yet to befall your nation - why, 9-11 was enough for
> you to destabilize an entire planet, start two wars, cancel the UN
> Charter, scrap the Geneva Convention, start up concentration camps
> and begin carting Arab men away into the night); however, Plowboy,
> where you go wrong is in some rather significant areas; you see, when
> YOU decided to "implant" the Shah on the Iranian people - the Shah
> who used to rather enjoy the sport of mass-killing on the streets -
> it was the self-same Iranian people (against the Shah, and his
> killers, sponsored by the US Govt) who liberated themselves.
> That, Plowboy, is the very definition of democracy; a people, angered,
> rising as one voice, one giant great tide to wash away the killers
> like a ... mmmm - a tsunami!
> But, Plowboy, you see, that kind of democracy - home-grown as it were
> - is not quite what you had in mind for the Middle East, was it? Oh
> no - because this act of liberation inspired in Americans like
> yourself a loathing of such epic proportions that you decided that
> what was necessary was a punishment for them eye-ranians - and so you
> happily imposed good ol Saddam in Iraq.
> And why? That's right, Plowboy, in order to bring death and
> destruction on the Iranians who had the bad sense to rid themselves
> of a killer - a tyrant - paid for by the US tax payer.
> So good ol Saddam and rummie-dum-dum had themselves a good ol
> tit-a-tit (so to speak eh?) about exactly what kind of gas warfare
> would be the best punishment for those pesky Iranians who decided to
> overthrow their lord and master from Washington DC.
> So now, Plowboy, we fast forward two decades and what do we have?
> Well, we have the Iranians - gassed and murdered by the tens of 1,000
> in the Iraq-Iran war (brought to you by the taxpayers of the
> US/USSR); and we have the mad mullahs in Iran entrenched because of
> their natural suspicions of western style democtracy (and who can
> blame eh!) - and we have mad Saddam in Iraq - so mad is your boy
> Saddam that he thinks he hears dubya's dadda give him the go-ahead to
> annex Kuwait (and why not, after-all Kuwait was just another
> artificial nation invented by the forefather of predatory nations,
> the Brits); what mad Saddam doesn't realize, sadly, is that dadda
> dubya's a bit tired of old Saddam, who he knows very well, doesn't
> he, since dadda was CIA chief in the good days when men like Saddam
> were their little playthings ...
> And then we fast forward another ten years and we get our new improved
> dubya - who insists that Saddam has them there WMD. Which was a lie.
> And insists that the US want to rid Iraq of their butcher - which is
> a lie, since the butcher came from the US to begin with, and has been
> there for three decades, the last of which has been under the severe
> restrictions of the US and UN. In fact, so well behaved has Saddam
> been in the last decade that he looks positively - democratic - when
> compared to the US's other friends in the region - the Egyptians, the
> Israelis, the Jordanians, the Saudis ... yes, old Iraq looked quite
> good during the 90s, considering their human rights violations were
> like the sins of schoolchildren compared to your 'other' special
> buddies in the area ...
> See, Plowboy, if you were really that interested in Iraqis - you'd
> not have sat around and watched as the Kurds were brutally murdered
> after Gulf War 1 after having been urged to insurrect by dadda dubya
> - only to turn his back when Saddam decided to blow em to kingdom
> come ... see, Plowboy, the same men who were in power then -
> rummie-dum-dum, the bushes, cheney - they're the same scumbags who
> are in charge now - so whaddya want me to believe, that they found
> God and Morality in the 90s while Bill Clinton made em all poor?
> I don't think so Plowboy. If you cared so much for the Iraqi people,
> Plowboy, you'd not have bombed Baghdad, a civilian city with a
> population of over 40% under the age of 10 ... and you wouldn't have
> sat around defending the ministry of oil while our culture - our
> culture, Plowboy, because the West started in Iraq, would ya believe
> - was looted. See, Plowboy, if you cared so much for the Iraqi
> people, you wouldn't still have 150,000 of your soldiers running riot
> through the streets - you wouldn't have had abu ghraib ...
> But I sense I waste my time Plowboy, because you're one of those
> 'muricans that not only cannot see the woods from the trees, or the
> trees from the forest, he doesn't know a fucking tree if it landed
> plum straight on his head (which, in your case, would be a blessing
> since your head, surely, is your most invulnerable part, am I right,
> Plowboy?).
> So, a suggestion; take this stuff to fox and rush. Out here, in the
> big world, you sound precisely as you are - a hypocrite desperate to
> justify his beloved leader's delusions of empire ... and it just
> don't hold oil, Plowboy.
> And when, Plowboy, you speak for "americans", spare a thought for the
> 40 odd million who rejected your extremist, blood-curdling loony
> right-wing propaganda ... last time I checked, they too were still
> Americans.
> "Plowboy" <> wrote in message
> news:PFd5e.11858$AL.630@lakeread08...
>> Get this straight Alex...
>> yes Sadam was 'one of our guys' and yes time proved we were
>> duped... Alex, are you saying that because we (much like germany and
>> other countries over time who made seemingly stupid error in
>> judgement, you know like electing Hitler) helped get Sa-dayum get
>> into his position, Well now, you think that we should have had a
>> 'hands off' approach to his actions and everything? yeah I think
>> about it more and more, Im cool with that because he might hate the
>> US, but he's in your GD backyard... but since we didnt.... And FYI...
>> Kohmeni was a threat, back when,
>> so in efforts to help the good in the area, as apposed to maybe
>> helping KING hussein or other dictators, we activily supported
>> Sa-damn back when he at least was foolish enough to go along with
>> the US's (albeit the rest of the world's opinion) of how life should
>> & could be, especially at the time... You come across as one who would
>> forsake removing a leaking (and
>> killing) breast implant for the simple fact of "just leave it there,
>> because you just had to have it just a few short years ago"
>> mentality. that is fine, again if I personally was incharge, you so
>> much as have a sneezing eppedimic over where you live, by god Ill
>> stay out of it, because I am by your standards EVIL american,
>> because you dont care to see the trees for the forests that the
>> mentality of a person who can kill whoever whenver he pleases for
>> whatever reason (you know like KINGS used to) then there is but
>> little hope for you and your country... BTW, Your facts are flawed
>> because we helped Sadam get to where he
>> was BECAUSE OF THE F**KING SHAW was being overthrown by this
>> fundamentally terrorist groups of people who came to power that
>> threaten you and me almost daily with terror, again I point to
>> Kohemeni (spelling unsure)... Change the facts any?
>> I think we went against Sa-dayum, for a whole good of the region, and
>> because not only did he kill his own people who couldnt fix thier own
>> problem, no more than Germany could stop Shitler at the time, but
>> supported the killing of people who didnt say "yes massah, kill my
>> cousin, rape my women" to any whim he concieved. You act as though
>> my country liberated this country so that we could rape the women,
>> and all that , or you dont care, and think rape & murder is nothing
>> to dislike, and is just a-ok? that tells me you dont bother to
>> think. I dont really care so much more than to attempt to
>> straighten some blatant Bullshit stuff, but since we're
>> fundamentally different I say good day to you, so have a nice life.. BTW
>> History proves it was the right thing to get rid of the
>> worthless F**K called Shitler, even though at 1st you must admit, he
>> looked like a savior for his country and countrymen. Does the
>> results of ww2 change the facts about this case against hitler? was
>> he some docile little 'govenor' who was framed and wronged? I think
>> not, I bet you agree, especaily if you were a Jew that lived
>> anywhere near Germany.
read more »