Here is a modified version of the instructions:
1. Unpack the gpldemo.exe to c:\gpl using winzip. (Dont run the file)
2. Copy wininet.dll from c:\gpl to c:\gpl\program
3. Make c:\gpl\options.ini not read only (uncheck in properties)
4. edit c:\gpl\options.ini to read:
[ Graphic Options ]
lastRasterizerDLL = rast3dfx.dll ; Last rasterizer DLL used
[ Driving Resolution ]
height = 768 ; Resolution height of the driving
width = 1024 ; Resolution width of the driving
Substitute rast3dfx.dll (for 3dfx) with renddll.dll or softdll.dll as
appropriate (for rendition or software)
Enter resolution as appropriate (e.g. 480x640)
5. Make c:\gpl\options.ini read only.
6. Make c:\gpl\program\controls directory
7. Start the game. Calibrate joystick before racing.
I have to delete the file in the c:\gpl\program\controls\player.cfg before
starting the game, otherwise it will hang. So every time I have to redo
joystick calibration bit of a pain but worth it!
Seems a reasonably painless way of getting GPL to run under Win98, unless
someone knows better!