It sure didn't fix the problem of it reconizing my pedals in Win 95.It
works just fine in Dos but you won't be able to run on Ten in Dos mode.My
pedals callibrate just fine in the Win95 callibration but when I try to
callibrate it in the game it still doesn't work.It says it's supose to fix
this WRONG!I have a ECCI wheel and pedals my wheel works just fine but my
pedals still won't callibrate and I see I'm not the only one either.Come on
Papy get it together if it's not fixed why did you say it was ?I have no
problems with any other Win95 sims.So don't try to blame me or anyone
else.Allso the cars still slow down allot in turn one at Tally And it took
you this long to come up with this?