Grand Prix II isn't dead! Thanks to the many quality new tracks and new
generation of verification tools, the Saga continues...
Everyone is invited to join the Hall Of Fame 2.5 At the moment only
keyboard(digital) but before the end of the year also joystick and wheel
HOF2.5 is the latest in the series of Hall Of Fames for F1GP and GP2 with a
tradition going back as far as 1993! Like its predecessors, HOF2.5 aims to be a
trendsetter as a 100% fair competition.
HOF2.5 features:
- 10 new tracks (including Circuit Ultima!) with more to follow
- strict anti-slowmo rules and full detection
- anti-shortcut protection (tracks should be driven as intended!)
- support fully integrated in GP2LAP v1.03
..other rules completely aimed at making the most skilled drivers come out on
Months of hard work also resulted in a section about the history of racing sims,
a drivingguide for keyboard players, a Geoff Crammond biography and much more!
Please someone read it so all the hard work wasn't a waste of time...<G>
Cu all at
Jo Helsen aka JOH
Director of Digital Hall Of Fame 2.5
Please remove *anti-spam* from the email when replying.
When everything else failed, we can still become im-
mortal by making an enormous blunder....
John Kenneth Galbraith