then being ripped for it, I think some of you need to chill a little. You're
being harsh on these guys. I could be wrong but I don't think anyone here at
r.a.s. wrote any code for GPL, or is receiving a paycheck from Papyrus, so
why are some of you blasting anyone who has any criticism of it with such
Yes, I think GPL deserves an A.
No, I don't find GPL any harder than any the other sims I enjoy. My learning
curve has been the same with GPL. It's not harder for me, just different.
I do have some questions about the driving model and how the cars handle
however. Think about this. How the heck would these GPL cars handle if
Papyrus put weather (rain) into the sim? I've seen film recently of races
from '67 and '68 which were being run in fairly heavy rain and the drivers
were still flying around the tracks and looked to have good control of the
cars. It's pretty easy to imagine what it would be like to drive a car in
the rain in GPL (a mess). This alone makes me question how accurate the
driving model is.
The word is that the GPL physics model is the most advanced ever. It may go
further than any other but the fact is that what you see on the screen are
the opinions of a programmer(s). It's all about how they write the code and
what they think should happen. There are no mechanical parts. Just pictures
on a screen.
I love the game and will buy it the day it's released, but it sure doesn't
seem realistic at all to have to drive with my finger tips and to make sure
I take soft breaths, or suffer the loss of control of my car. Today's
F1drivers don't even use a soft touch. The drivers in the 60's seemed to
really throw around the wheel of their cars.
There are other areas where the sim deserves criticism but it's only fair to
wait until it's released before saying anything. Saying it is perfect (and
blasing anyone who disagrees) is just going way too far.