There have defintely been some great posts here. Thought I might add
one more spin to it for those that still feel slow down to go faster
is a bit ambiguous. Its basically the cars reaction to your actions.
Jamming the on the brakes entering the turn is going to upset the car, jumping
back on the throttle at the apex, is going to upset the car. We all know that
looser is faster but you have to learn to work the throttle and the brakes. The
smoother you are, the faster you're going to go and save the tires as well. I
practise this by going to the tracks that IMHO require it the most; Richmond and
Marty. If you car is loose at Marty, you're going to loop the car coming out of
the turns if you dont practise throttle management and just as important,
counter steering. Almost like dirt tracking, but you'll find that turning the
wheel to the right as you're exiting the turns actually helps to turn left. I
found this out by practising <G>.
For setups that smoke the AI at 100% and last a full tank goto;
All BLAPS recorded in the setup files were done using 70 degrees, no wind, Chevy
chasis and before lap 10. These are good race setups, not one lap wonders.