Some years ago my ex-bosses son hit a deer on the A3 whilst travelling at
considerable speed. (For those of you who do not know the A3, part of it is
an approach road to London and has a fast stretch of 2 and 3 lane
carriageway, drilling through some woodland and fields). Anyway, the deer
was totally wasted and the car, written off.
The unfortunate vehicle happened to be a Triumph Stag.....I kid you not.
> Very fawny!
> > No.
> > You can say it cost him dearly.......
> > <Waits for the groans>
> > MS
> > > Did the deer survive? :)
> > > Andre
> > > On Tue, 01 Feb 2000 11:45:24 +0000, robswindells
> > > >Did you know: Stefan Johansson hit a deer during qualifying for the
> 1987
> > > >Austrian GP, destroying his Mclaren.