Osterreichring question

Mark Seer

Osterreichring question

by Mark Seer » Thu, 03 Feb 2000 04:00:00

Actually I can laugh about something even if it was not funny at the time.
Some years ago my ex-bosses son hit a deer on the A3 whilst travelling at
considerable speed. (For those of you who do not know the A3, part of it is
an approach road to London and has a fast stretch of 2 and 3 lane
carriageway, drilling through some woodland and fields). Anyway, the deer
was totally wasted and the car, written off.

The unfortunate vehicle happened to be a Triumph Stag.....I kid you not.


> Very fawny!

> > No.
> > You can say it cost him dearly.......
> > <Waits for the groans>

> > MS

> > > Did the deer survive? :)

> > > Andre

> > > On Tue, 01 Feb 2000 11:45:24 +0000, robswindells

> > > >Did you know: Stefan Johansson hit a deer during qualifying for the
> 1987
> > > >Austrian GP, destroying his Mclaren.

Tim Vanhe

Osterreichring question

by Tim Vanhe » Thu, 03 Feb 2000 04:00:00

The GPLEE was able to put sheep in Spa :

> Now GPL is realistic but I doubt Dave has been able to program deer to
> onto the trak:-)

> --
> GraDee
> -------------------------------------------------------------
> Karting "3.65"
> -------------------------------------------------------------
> "The dozens and dozens........."

> > It's DEFINATELY not the 1997 version and it's not the 1987 version (last
> > time the full circuit was used in GP racing, Mansell won after the race
> > was started 3 times!) because there's no chicane at the first corner in
> > Dave Noonan's version. I imagine it must be the very first version ever
> > used. It's a great track, one of the driver's favourite before it was
> > 'butchered'.

> > Did you know: Stefan Johansson hit a deer during qualifying for the 1987
> > Austrian GP, destroying his Mclaren.

> > > Since I'm at work, I haven't been able to test the new track yet. I'm
> > > curious from what year the track is. I found a site with layouts from
> > > the years 1976, 1977 and 1997. As allways, the older tracks looks much
> > > more exciting that the newer layouts. Some of the changes:

> > > 1977 version - Perimeter 5942 m (A chicane was added) (Yuck!)
> > > 1997 version - Perimeter 4319 m (all the fast curves were removed)
> > > (Aaarrgghhh!)

> > > Haven't found a picture from the 1967 layout (or didn't the track
> > > exist in '67?)

> > > Here's the link to the site:
> > >

> > > Andre

> > --
> > Rob Swindells
> > "Add life to your days, not days to your life."
> > "The greatest substitute for talent is hard work."
> > "Doing it, is better than watching it, is better than simulating it."
> > "I may not be perfect, but parts of me are excellent."

Peter Nilss

Osterreichring question

by Peter Nilss » Fri, 04 Feb 2000 04:00:00

The AirWarrior and Warbirds communities have been, uh... (how shall I
put this...) >enjoying< sheep for many many years.
There are some really funny fiction written about it.

Has anybody tested and can give a review of "the Love Ewe" by the way?        :-)


Rafe McAulif

Osterreichring question

by Rafe McAulif » Sat, 05 Feb 2000 04:00:00

What an absolute pisser! New Zealanders beware!

>>The GPLEE was able to put sheep in Spa :

>The AirWarrior and Warbirds communities have been, uh... (how shall I
>put this...) >enjoying< sheep for many many years.
>There are some really funny fiction written about it.

>Has anybody tested and can give a review of "the Love Ewe" by the way?
>        :-)

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