Why don't they tell the truth? (Greg Moore)

Jeff Szark

Why don't they tell the truth? (Greg Moore)

by Jeff Szark » Sun, 07 Nov 1999 04:00:00

On Mon, 1 Nov 1999 14:43:25 +0100, "Markus Stiepel"

:What annoys me most about the horrible crash of Greg Moore ( besides the
:lame discussion about what has to be done about safety-standards here on
:R.A.S. *after* something has happened) is the fact that Greg was surely
:instantly dead after having hit the wall going in head first (proven by the
:fact that there was not much reanimation going on by the medics, normally,
:if there is a chance for a guy to survive, you would see much longer work on
:the scene going on than we were having in Fontana). There wasn't even the
:attemt to try to even out the infield after Richie Hearn stirred up the
:grass at the *exact* same place Greg ran over a few minutes later, you could
:see a crater between the asphalt-service-road dividing the infield-grass. I
:don't know whether they fixed it after Gregs crash because I switched off my
:TV due to disgust. Yet, CART-officials kept it secret to go on with the
:show, to continue with the big business, to sell some more hotdogs on the
:grandstands, instead of having the guts to say: "Sorry folks, show is over,
:go home, we have had a casualty, so we are aborting this event". Same thing
:happened when Senna died, it's simply disgusting and respectless. Why is
:NASCAR the most popular series in the US? Could it be that they have the
:most and the most *spectacular* accidents around? Don't tell me it's because
:there are so many close battles going on.  Why do we see traffic-jams on the
:streets as soon as an accident has happened on the *other* side of the
:highway? Don't tell me it's because ppl are slowing down to see if they can
:be of any help. Why do windows open as soon as an ambulance comes roaring
:down the street where that window would never be opened cause it's too cold
:outside? Don't tell me it's to let fresh air in.  This society is sick ....
:yeah, tell me to dig a hole and hop in ..... thank you very much.
:In deep sadness

Auto sports are dangerous.. Anyone who drives in auto sports risks
death. That's just the way it is I'm afraid. Greg Moore knew what he
was getting into. is a usenet newsgroup formed in December, 1993. As this group was always unmoderated there may be some spam or off topic articles included. Some links do point back to as we could not validate the original address. Please report any pages that you believe warrant deletion from this archive (include the link in your email). is in no way responsible and does not endorse any of the content herein.