If they had stopped the race everybody would have known and it wouldn't have
been fair on his family.
Try not to let your mind wander. It is too small to be out by itself!
> >What annoys me most about the horrible crash of Greg Moore ( besides the
> >lame discussion about what has to be done about safety-standards here on
> >R.A.S. *after* something has happened) is the fact that Greg was surely
> >instantly dead after having hit the wall going in head first (proven by
> >fact that there was not much reanimation going on by the medics,
> >if there is a chance for a guy to survive, you would see much longer work
> >the scene going on than we were having in Fontana). There wasn't even the
> >attemt to try to even out the infield after Richie Hearn stirred up the
> >grass at the *exact* same place Greg ran over a few minutes later, you
> >see a crater between the asphalt-service-road dividing the infield-grass.
> >don't know whether they fixed it after Gregs crash because I switched off
> >TV due to disgust. Yet, CART-officials kept it secret to go on with the
> >show, to continue with the big business, to sell some more hotdogs on the
> >grandstands, instead of having the guts to say: "Sorry folks, show is
> >go home, we have had a casualty, so we are aborting this event". Same
> >happened when Senna died, it's simply disgusting and respectless. Why is
> >NASCAR the most popular series in the US? Could it be that they have the
> >most and the most *spectacular* accidents around? Don't tell me it's
> >there are so many close battles going on. Why do we see traffic-jams on
> >streets as soon as an accident has happened on the *other* side of the
> >highway? Don't tell me it's because ppl are slowing down to see if they
> >be of any help. Why do windows open as soon as an ambulance comes roaring
> >down the street where that window would never be opened cause it's too
> >outside? Don't tell me it's to let fresh air in. This society is sick
> >yeah, tell me to dig a hole and hop in ..... thank you very much.
> >In deep sadness
> Two distinct reasons: One, they may have wanted to make sure the
> family was informed (as in the other post) and secondly only an
> official Medical Examiner can pronounce a person dead. Stupid law but
> that's the way it works. For instance, at a motorcycle accident where
> I was a witness the guy was dead as a doornail, as in head severed
> partially from body and brains coming out fo nose, eyeball, and a 9"
> rip on the backside of his head (yes, was wearing a helmet but it was
> torn from his head). They could not pronounce him dead on the scene
> *UNLESS* one of the medics present also had Medical Examiner
> credentials. As they don't they still had to attempt token revisions
> until they got him to the hospital where he was of course prounced
> dead as a doornail. By the same token police officers are not 'given
> the knowledge or understanding to pronounce health upon a person' or
> some line like that in which officers are also unable to prounounce
> people as dead, even when they've stuffed 30 or 40 holes through their
> noggin. As for the show, people die in the sport. It happens and it's
> expected. Some people go only to see the accidents. It's a fact of
> life much like those who would go to the Roman Games to watch
> gladiator's tear each other assunder and then get munched on by Lions
> (now *those* were the good old days!) It doesn't mean that when a
> catastrophe happens that the rest of the people need to know they are
> dead, especially when the audience IS used to seeing cars get totally
> destroyed and the driver getting out and walking away. Ayrton Senna's
> crash didn't even look bad but it was a freak accident that killed
> him. The driver at Laguna Seca's accident looked rather mild save for
> being tossed over the wall but he died nearly instantly and it STILL
> took an ME's qualified hand on the wrist to pronounce him dead.
> Would the race having been stopped at that point have accomplished
> anything?
> ____________________
> Try not to let your mind wander. It is too small to be out by itself!
Try not to let your mind wander. It is too small to be out by itself!
Oliver Nikolic
DP-MAX Computers
BeoRocket Racing Team (retired)
> >What annoys me most about the horrible crash of Greg Moore ( besides the
> >lame discussion about what has to be done about safety-standards here on
> >R.A.S. *after* something has happened) is the fact that Greg was surely
> >instantly dead after having hit the wall going in head first (proven by
> >fact that there was not much reanimation going on by the medics,
> >if there is a chance for a guy to survive, you would see much longer work
> >the scene going on than we were having in Fontana). There wasn't even the
> >attemt to try to even out the infield after Richie Hearn stirred up the
> >grass at the *exact* same place Greg ran over a few minutes later, you
> >see a crater between the asphalt-service-road dividing the infield-grass.
> >don't know whether they fixed it after Gregs crash because I switched off
> >TV due to disgust. Yet, CART-officials kept it secret to go on with the
> >show, to continue with the big business, to sell some more hotdogs on the
> >grandstands, instead of having the guts to say: "Sorry folks, show is
> >go home, we have had a casualty, so we are aborting this event". Same
> >happened when Senna died, it's simply disgusting and respectless. Why is
> >NASCAR the most popular series in the US? Could it be that they have the
> >most and the most *spectacular* accidents around? Don't tell me it's
> >there are so many close battles going on. Why do we see traffic-jams on
> >streets as soon as an accident has happened on the *other* side of the
> >highway? Don't tell me it's because ppl are slowing down to see if they
> >be of any help. Why do windows open as soon as an ambulance comes roaring
> >down the street where that window would never be opened cause it's too
> >outside? Don't tell me it's to let fresh air in. This society is sick
> >yeah, tell me to dig a hole and hop in ..... thank you very much.
> >In deep sadness
> Two distinct reasons: One, they may have wanted to make sure the
> family was informed (as in the other post) and secondly only an
> official Medical Examiner can pronounce a person dead. Stupid law but
> that's the way it works. For instance, at a motorcycle accident where
> I was a witness the guy was dead as a doornail, as in head severed
> partially from body and brains coming out fo nose, eyeball, and a 9"
> rip on the backside of his head (yes, was wearing a helmet but it was
> torn from his head). They could not pronounce him dead on the scene
> *UNLESS* one of the medics present also had Medical Examiner
> credentials. As they don't they still had to attempt token revisions
> until they got him to the hospital where he was of course prounced
> dead as a doornail. By the same token police officers are not 'given
> the knowledge or understanding to pronounce health upon a person' or
> some line like that in which officers are also unable to prounounce
> people as dead, even when they've stuffed 30 or 40 holes through their
> noggin. As for the show, people die in the sport. It happens and it's
> expected. Some people go only to see the accidents. It's a fact of
> life much like those who would go to the Roman Games to watch
> gladiator's tear each other assunder and then get munched on by Lions
> (now *those* were the good old days!) It doesn't mean that when a
> catastrophe happens that the rest of the people need to know they are
> dead, especially when the audience IS used to seeing cars get totally
> destroyed and the driver getting out and walking away. Ayrton Senna's
> crash didn't even look bad but it was a freak accident that killed
> him. The driver at Laguna Seca's accident looked rather mild save for
> being tossed over the wall but he died nearly instantly and it STILL
> took an ME's qualified hand on the wrist to pronounce him dead.
> Would the race having been stopped at that point have accomplished
> anything?
> ____________________
> Try not to let your mind wander. It is too small to be out by itself!
Oliver Nikolic
DP-MAX Computers
BeoRocket Racing Team (retired)
Agreed. That probably played a major role in it. Besides, I'm sure
that there was at least SOME sort of resuscitation attempted. Granted, I
knew when I saw the accident that Greg wasn't going to make it, but stranger
things have happened. They had to give the doctors a shot, just in case. I
wouldn't want them to do it any differently if it were me...
On the front page of our shitty little newspaper in Timmins, Ontario,
Canada, the had a picture of Moore as he was about to be loaded into the
helicopter on his way to the hospital. On the picture, it can be clearly
seen that the medics were still attempting resescitation with one gent
squeezing the air bottle with the hose down Moore's throat. Another medic
was holding an IV bag, and Moore was on a backboard with a neckbrace. The
picture was in bad taste, but it shows the medics still attempting to save
Moore's life.....
Hey these guys are all racing drivers, they know the risks. Both Greg Moore
Aryton Senna and every other driver that has been killed at a race would not
want the
race and day to finish, they would want everyone to try and enjoy
The GPL Preservation Society
**GPLEA Member**
Greg was pronounced dead at the hospital, NOT the track. You are confusing the
actual call of time of death that goes on one's death certificate with an
announcement of one's death to the public. Two entirely different things......
>>A driver is never pronounced dead at the track. (Policy)
>>Not nowadays anyway...
>Did I watch a different race then? Sometime during the second half the
>doctor said it publicly on tv and after that you could see that they
>lowered the flags - still everyone was happily racing. I found that
>quite disgusting.
Polititians & Diapers have one thing in common:
They should both be changed regularly and for the same reason!