Finally I did it.
My System is: 1 pentium 133 + 1 pentium 100 both with NE2000 cards.
I manage to link Grand Prix 2 through netware using only one cdrom and
connect them also with direct cable (com 2).
On the pentium 133 I did a standard instalation (46 Mb) using the 8x
cdrom drive.
To install in the pentium 100, first in the pentium 133 I enter in a
configuration to start the novell netware, then in the pentium 100 I
start a similar configuration to start the netware. From the pentium 100
I went to the cdrom drive of the pentium 133 (in my case W:) and I
install Grand Prix 2 the standard installation (46 Mb). After the
instalation in the pentium 100 I start CDEMU2 W: to simulate a cdrom
drive in W:. After this long process I started Grand Prix 2 on both
computers and linked both by the com2 port, speed 2400. And that's all
folks. I did a QuickRace and the graph speed was very smooth on both