file and noticed that in the GraphicsOptions there is a setting for MinFrameRate and its set to 15. Tried stetting it to 25 but I
still get slower fps at the start of a full field.
The GameOptions has a setting for VisualDamage set to 0 but setting it to 1 does nothing. Could this be made to work with added
damage graphics and a hack?
Also there are settings for AI driver Aggressive, Defensive, and Ability.
I have tried changing these from about .4 to .9 and have not noticed any real difference.
That is I set Terry Borchelor to all .9 and Tim Allen to all .2 but they both still seem to finish about the middle of the pack most
of the time.
I set the Difficulty setting to 1.5 but it changed back to 1.0 so I guess thats the max setting.
Anyone have any luck changing these?