RAS has been my newgroup of choice (next to for many years. I read more
than I post, but I do occassionally post. I haven't commented much about
CPR mainly to avoid confusion. I work at Microsoft, but I have nothing to
do with CPR. So I let Dean and the others answer the CPR questions as i am
not in the know with that product.
About joysticks.....
From personal experience, I have found that Windows NT 4.0 can handle a two
axis joystick adequately. A three axis joystick, so so. A four axis
joystick (flight sim - one joystick for flying, another for throttle, plus
rudder pedals) is not that accurate.
The Windows NT 4.0 joystick driver could 'maybe' be optimized. I was going
to toy with it, but never did because at home I run Win95 for games. Since
NT 4.0 Service Pack 3 only emulates hardware acceleration for D3D, what's
the point... :-)
When NT 5.0 becomes more a part of my life, I might look into how well the
joystick works. By that time, there might be USB steering wheels or digital
steering wheels. Either would be much, much faster than analog wheels (by
faster I mean how long it takes to determine the wheel's position). If I
can gain any speed out of the 5.0 joystick driver, I will find a way to get
it posted with Microsoft's blessings. However, they are striving to make NT
5.0 more 'gameable' (I just made that word up...) except for DOS games. I
doubt if NT will ever be DOS friendly.
The video whould definitely be faster, however, as hardware acceleration
will be hardware, not software emulated.
>> D3D hardware acceleration under Windows NT 4.0 SP3 is software emulated
>> (read as slow). Under NT 5.0, it will be actual DMA.
>> The joystick is a weak link under NT. this is for analog joysticks (the
>> vast majority). A digital joystick should be no problem to NT or 95.
>> NT is hands down more stable than 95. NT 5.0 is trying to become more
>> friendly, but this will still not be DOS game friendly.
>> -Paul
>> Windows NT Device Driver Support Team
> I'm impressed. A non-CART Team MS support guy answering
>in R.A.S.!! :) I dual boot NT 4 on my home machine, but only for work
>related apps. Any expectation as to whether the analog joystick
>situation will be fixed in NT 5.0? I can't give up my TSW.
>Neil Yeatman
>Ajax, Ontario, CANADA