US but you can order it from Codemasters. It's pretty good, better than
Colin McRae 2. The physics seem alot better.
I'm not big on the tracks, though. It seems whoever designs them is
***ed to constant turning- rarely do you get to just drive flat out for
a few seconds. IMO, they need to have a little less turns, and perhaps
counteract this by having more severe turns (hairpins, hard rights) and
maybe some tighter road. I wouldn't change the overall style alot though.
I liked the tracks for Rallisport and Rally Masters better (lost of turns
but they seemed like the turns weren't just thrown in for the heck of it-
and many of the turns were actually sharp right angles). I know that the
numbering scheme is also authentic to Colin McRae, but I'd like the option
to use a traditional rally co-driver scheme.
Force feedback and control is excellent. The wheel is a loose to start
out but it's fine other that its good. Much better than the abominable
feedback and control that Rallisport Challenge gives (that ruined the game
for me).
The only downside is the graphics aren't a real big improvement over CMR
2- none of the photorealism of Rallisport Challenge (CMR 4 looks a bit like
a PS2 port). But other than that they are serviceable.