As far as GTR goes, ATI 9800 Pro.
And it's in german, pit radio and all. But I still ordered it from They should have the english version in the shops here in
Finland (and most likely in rest of the world too) in 1Q/2005...
couldn't wait =)
- Jussi Koukku -
>>In Germany and on PC.
> And it's in german, pit radio and all. But I still ordered it from
> They should have the english version in the shops here in
> Finland (and most likely in rest of the world too) in 1Q/2005...
> couldn't wait =)
> --
> - Jussi Koukku -
Good luck - it's protected by Starforce 3. It'll probaby be released in
English before it's cracked.
Starforce 3 is not difficult to crack :) Few days and then...
I wanted to play it now too, but instead of stealing it, I bought it
from Should be here in 5 - 9 working days. Cost me 5EUR
more than the listed price at
Developers don't publish games, publishers do. And AFAIK Simbin
doesn't even have a worldwide publisher yet. 10tacel (german
publisher) decided to publish the german version of the game earlier
as it won't hurt the later sales of the english version. Germany is a
rather large market are, and apparently racing games sell very well
over there. So it makes perfect sense to publish GTR in Germany soon
as possible. I don't like it any more than you do, but it still makes
BTW, if they would've signed a publisher well in advance, the game
might have been in the shops earlier, but it might have been totally
different kind of game (console, all arcade... in worst case
scenario). What I'm trying to say is that publishers usually have
quite a lot to say in game development, and the way Simbin chose to
make GTR (independently) was IMO a good way.
- Jussi Koukku -
>>I think I have to download the pirate version of german game. I want to
>>it now, not 2005!
> I wanted to play it now too, but instead of stealing it, I bought it
> from Should be here in 5 - 9 working days. Cost me 5EUR
> more than the listed price at
I think publishing game wordwide same time will make more money to
developers and publishers.
I have been waiting for this game so long and I expected that game will be
realased in november....
Now they tell as that it will be realased in February 2005. That gets me
angry ;)
I have always said that 'profit' ruin everything, unless you're amongst
the majority making grounds for the profit. In order to get the sim we
want, there shouldn't be *any* kind of profit *anywhere* in the process. :-)
So, what is the best development environment for the sims *we* want?
Open source, open development, open testing. Sourceforge would be a
great place to start. The problem arises when a team decides to go
black, shut down web pages, and start charging for the code everybody
has developed.
>>I think I have to download the pirate version of german game. I want to play
>>it now, not 2005!
> I wanted to play it now too, but instead of stealing it, I bought it
> from Should be here in 5 - 9 working days. Cost me 5EUR
> more than the listed price at
>>There is no sense from developer to publish the german version first. When
>>the english version come out I will buy it but I think many people will not
>>becouse of this stupid realease politic.
> Developers don't publish games, publishers do. And AFAIK Simbin
> doesn't even have a worldwide publisher yet. 10tacel (german
> publisher) decided to publish the german version of the game earlier
> as it won't hurt the later sales of the english version. Germany is a
> rather large market are, and apparently racing games sell very well
> over there. So it makes perfect sense to publish GTR in Germany soon
> as possible. I don't like it any more than you do, but it still makes
> sense...
> BTW, if they would've signed a publisher well in advance, the game
> might have been in the shops earlier, but it might have been totally
> different kind of game (console, all arcade... in worst case
> scenario). What I'm trying to say is that publishers usually have
> quite a lot to say in game development, and the way Simbin chose to
> make GTR (independently) was IMO a good way.
> --
> - Jussi Koukku -
Or do it like the LFS guys did... develop it independently, and
publish it through internet independently.
You just pretty much described MOTORSPORT, the RSC community project:
Just hope it doesn't go belly up =)
- Jussi Koukku -
Ok, cool. Missed that in your previous post, sorry.
Well, 10Tacel probably couldn't care less about worldwide sales. And I
can't really see how Simbin is losing money by releasing a german
version few months ahead of the english version. I doubt that any
average p2p user would bother with the german version anyway. They'll
wait for the english version to be cracked ;)
Been there... =)
- Jussi Koukku -