Alright you Dega heads I'd like to get your comments on this setup. I
am no star driver in Dega so I can't say anything definite.
I got the idea for this setup from the N2 manual and decided to give
it a try. In my opinion the best feature of this setup is that it
lasts the full tank with no marked decrease in lap times at all even
when the tires are red. In my test races (103% opps) the first tire
went red when you have between 3-5 gallons of fuel and the other two
tires turned red a few laps after (for some reason the LF stayed green
<g>). But as I said it didn't affect the handling of the car (this
doesn't mean that one should try to ruin the tires asap). This brave
comment is based on average racing lines and not abusing the tires
The car has a slight push with full tank so be careful while exiting
turns but this push goes away soon after your fuel load lightens. The
car felt good drafting with other cars although this may be just my
lack of experience.
Please don't trash me and the setup before driving one full tank worth
of laps! Post comments here on r.a.s. or email me, thanks.
Tire pressure: 60psi on all tires
Tire camber: LF +0,50 RF -2,80
Shocks: fronts 100% and rears 1%
Gears: 8.40 - 5.20 - 4.00 - 3.40
Steering lock 6 degrees
Rear spoiler 40 degrees
Weight jack rear 1900lbs (54.2%) - left 1900lbs (54.2%)
cross 10lbs (50.2%)
Possible 'tweak' points are camber and cross weight.
Pekka Heino