> In the Feb. 20 Computerworld Careers section, the Daytona USA game is
> pictured in a Martin Marietta ad. They claim to be the industry leader
> in "sophisticated entertainment and virtual reality applications through
> on-going contracts with entertainment giants such as Sega"
> The ad is looking for BS CS or EE with 2-5 years game programming, the
> address is:
> Martin Marietta
> Dept. OA9502R
> P.O. Box 8084
> Building 10, Room 1019
> Philadelphia, PA 19101
> The position appears to be in Orlando, Florida working on a new game.
> I don't know if that is the address you need, otherwise try an 800 number
> for Sega.
> --
> Brian R. Mayer Product & Manufacturing Systems
Todd Rothermel
Martin Marietta
PO Box 8048
Bldg 10 MS G
Philadelphia, PA 19101
Fax: 1-610-962-2647
In the Feb. 20 Computerworld Careers section, the Daytona USA game is
pictured in a Martin Marietta ad. They claim to be the industry leader
in "sophisticated entertainment and virtual reality applications through
on-going contracts with entertainment giants such as Sega"
The ad is looking for BS CS or EE with 2-5 years game programming, the
address is:
Martin Marietta
Dept. OA9502R
P.O. Box 8084
Building 10, Room 1019
Philadelphia, PA 19101
The position appears to be in Orlando, Florida working on a new game.
I don't know if that is the address you need, otherwise try an 800 number
for Sega.
Brian R. Mayer Product & Manufacturing Systems