OT Radeon and XP upgrade


OT Radeon and XP upgrade

by Woodie » Fri, 18 Apr 2003 20:41:41

I've been slugging it out with a Voodoo 5, and I think it's about time I
upgraded so that I can run games made in the past two years.  I'm thinking
about getting a 9700 Pro, and decided maybe this is a good time to go to XP.
What would XP pro offer me that XP home would not?  What's up with NTFS or
whatever it's called?  I know theres something about file indexing with GPL, is
there anything else I need to know before I decide to abandon FAT32?  Will the
Radeon work with Win98 if I decide to forego XP?  Are there any other dopey
questions I could ask in the wrong newsgroup?  :-)  My main interest is GPL,
but I'd sure like to try N2003, F12002, Live for Speed, and the occasional
first person shooter.

Abit KG7
Athlon XP1700+
256Meg 266 ram
Voodoo 5
Diamond Monster MX300
3COM NIC to cable modem
ECCI CDS4000 Daytona

Thanks for your advice,
Don McCorkle


OT Radeon and XP upgrade

by Muzz » Fri, 18 Apr 2003 23:26:05

For the list of important differences:

Neither is inherently "better" - it's up to you to decide whether the extra
cost is worth the extra features... (I use Home - would have liked Pro but
the extra cost could not be justified for what I would have got).

Both version support NTFS, but you can still have FAT32 partitions (you can
even have both on the same machine). I have a 60 GB drive which has a little
3Gb FAT32 partition on it, just for GPL and Half-Life/Counter-Strike. All of
my other games are on a 45Gb NTFS partition, and the OS is installed on

Yes the card will still work under Win98, but XP is more stable and will
cause less headaches (not NO headaches, just less... :-)

Whilst 256 RAM is enough for XP, I would definitely recommend more (at least
512Mb). RAM is stinkin' cheap anyway... On the whole I find that XP is
faster than 98 (I only switched 2 months ago, and used my current Radeon
9500 under both). I don't know how well the MX300 is supported under XP
though - can someone else help with that?



OT Radeon and XP upgrade

by ZZ » Sat, 19 Apr 2003 00:17:08

On Thu, 17 Apr 2003 14:26:05 GMT, "Muzza"

>> I've been slugging it out with a Voodoo 5, and I think it's about time I
>> upgraded so that I can run games made in the past two years.  I'm thinking
>> about getting a 9700 Pro, and decided maybe this is a good time to go to
>> What would XP pro offer me that XP home would not?  What's up with NTFS or
>> whatever it's called?  I know theres something about file indexing with
>GPL, is
>> there anything else I need to know before I decide to abandon FAT32?  Will
>> Radeon work with Win98 if I decide to forego XP?  Are there any other
>> questions I could ask in the wrong newsgroup?  :-)  My main interest is
>> but I'd sure like to try N2003, F12002, Live for Speed, and the occasional
>> first person shooter.

>For the list of important differences:

>> Abit KG7
>> Athlon XP1700+
>> 256Meg 266 ram
>> Voodoo 5
>> Diamond Monster MX300
>> 3COM NIC to cable modem
>> ECCI CDS4000 Daytona

>> Thanks for your advice,
>> Don McCorkle

Hi Don
Why not ask your pals in Screamers?   hehe
I just built a new PC.
I put in a Radeon 9700 and did Win XP Pro with NTFS.
I have had no problems with any game including GPL.
Just get the latest Radeon catalyst drivers.
Go to
It's the place for Radeon cards.

Good luck
Richard "ZZ" Busch

Screamers Racing League
GPL Rank + 17.415
MoGPL Rank + 318.586
N2002 Rank + 7.695
Busch Motorsports:
Remember racecar is racecar spelled backward
Busch Carpentry:
A good carpenter can nail anything

Samuel Senio

OT Radeon and XP upgrade

by Samuel Senio » Sat, 19 Apr 2003 03:50:05

I dunno about Radeons. Iv'e just sent two 9500 Pros back, and waiting
with crossed fingers for the third to arrive. Changed motherboards and
power supplies, bios settings, etc. to no avail. Last one wouldn't
even boot. If the third one works, I'll be happy, but geez!

OT Radeon and XP upgrade

by Rich » Sat, 19 Apr 2003 04:28:52

Have you tried updating the bios? My Abit SR-7 had frequent lockups
until  the bios was updated. Specificaly the problem in the bios had
to do with ATI 9700Pro. is a usenet newsgroup formed in December, 1993. As this group was always unmoderated there may be some spam or off topic articles included. Some links do point back to as we could not validate the original address. Please report any pages that you believe warrant deletion from this archive (include the link in your email). is in no way responsible and does not endorse any of the content herein.