I guess it depends on how you measure success. Papy made $49.95 off
of me when they released GPL, they would have made that with or without
the subsiquent mods. The mods have been great and have kept me playing
but they did not add $1 to Papy's bottom line or provide enough
encouragement for them to produce a GPL 2. It's entirely possible
that the mods *discouraged* them from producing an update as the mods
could have stolen their thunder.
At least half the people in my GPL leagues discovered the game after
GPL dissappeared from the shelves, if they have an original copy of the
CD it came from ebay or some discount net retailer for peanuts, again
no success for the company.
NR2003 was targetted primarily at the nascar crowd and as such the road
racing mods were probably incidental to sales. Yes they made another
$49.95 off of me and others but apparently not enough to keep them in
the market when they lost the Nascar licence. Personally I bought NR
as a thank you to them for all my GPL enjoyment.
<$100 for 8 years of entertainment (times a few thousand sim racers) is
great value for money but would not put your kids thru college.
First is stuck between a rock and a hard place, in order to make their
code worth what they paid for it (and put food on the table) they have
to keep grips on it's use. But now they've got to produce something
that is significantly better then what we can get for free, AND
convince us to keep paying periodicaly.
Bottom line it is their code, they can take what ever action they see
Personnally I think going after the modders is an idle threat, if the
modder is in a different country and it's posted by a web site in a 3rd
country the costs involved in finding the phyicial person who did the
codding and convincing a judge that something's been violated would
likely be pretty high.