Bill Bollinger
>> So fairly unimpressed with First Racing's start so far...
>> Tony
> Agreed, I have been a Papyrus/Kaemmer supporter for it seems like a
> decade. I am, however, totally deflated by this current stand.
> They are protecting outdated code. Surely they can't believe a mod will
> attract attention if it only LOOKS like a gtp car? Sure it drives like a
> Nascar Tank, but trust LOOKS like a Porche 962.
> Several points jump out at me. ISI is making at least some cash selling
> the tools they use to create thier sims to modders. Not all groups and
> not
> all mods, but some folks have paid cash. Not to license the cars, logos,
> tracks, or whatever, but the tools to create new stuff that ISI doesn't
> have the time or resources to address themselves.
> Simbin and GTR would NOT exist today if the original FIA V3 2k1 mod
> "looked" like a Viper or a Ferrari 550 but drove like an F1 rocket. RSDG
> would not be creating new mods based on sportscars if they drove like F1
> cars. RSR's brilliant ETCC touring car mod would be a COMPLETE FREEAKING
> DISASTER if it drove like an dang EFF One car.
> Yet that is the constraint First is demanding. Feel free to mess with
> the shapes, sounds, graphics...but don't you dare make the cars lighter,
> or
> heavier, or lower, or or or....
> Finally the exe that FIRST is so jealously protecting has been hacked for
> a long time now. There isn't anything in there that SOMEBODY hasn't
> already pried apart and poked and prodded and massaged. This defense of
> secrets that are not secrets is obsured.
> and one more finally...
> To use the FIRST auto analogy. Suppose BMW makes an M3, but somebody
> finds a way to build a custom part that IMPROVES the M3. Does BMW scream
> ***y ***? Do they sic lawyers on a guy whose new pipe or chip
> increases the performance of the M3? No, they say thanks for creating
> something that increases sales of my product and improves the value of
> said
> product to those who have already purchased it.
> I was lucky enough to get the GTP v1.0 release. I am tempted to flood
> the binaries newsgroups....tempted... I have known folks in the company
> via the net for years. Sites like theuspits have worked hand in hand with
> that team, fine way to keep in touch Dave..
> dave henrie