On older wheels I would suspect the steering pot to be worn out.
Also check whether your setup has a high asymetrical camber-setting. GPL is a
bit picky in that.
>Okay I finally got GPL, I wrote a letter to my relatives informing that
>I wouldn't be seeing them for a while, and I sat down to play. I have
>installed the 1.2 patch, the D3D patch, and have added the necessary
>lines to core.ini to enable force feedback. Using the example values in
>core.ini.sample, I found that I was getting spikes every once in a while
>on long straights. I searched around, and found that most people
>advised setting the values to much higher numbers. I didn't go up into
>the thousands but I did try using up to 600 for damping and about 300
>for torque. Spikes are still there. Rather than spend all evening
>tweaking it can anyone tell me what settings to use to eliminate spikes?
>I am using a Logitech FF GP wheel.
LWFF Ball Bearing conversion at:
GPLRank: -13
Monsters of GPL: sub 200