> > >I found this at the http://gpl.gamestats.com forum:
> > <snip>
> > >However, the worst part is yet to come. I was left to look after our two
> > >daugthers Emily (9) and Sarah (11). This detracted from my maximum playing
> > >time. Also, I wanted to buy a couple of Voodoo II graphic cards for the
> > >computer.
> > >So I sold my daughter to the Thailand sex trade industry.
> > <snip>
> > I don't think that's funny.
> > rob.
> You're right, it's not funny at all. It's terrible. He could have sold
> her to MacDonald's at 20 cents a pound more. I hear that Brazilian beef
> mince prices have skyrocketed...terrible, terrible
That's Okay, Yesterday I sold my horse to the glue factory.....
Willllbbuuuuurrrrr Not the Glue Factory,,,
Sorry Ed, but I need that New Cannopus AGP 16 Meg Riva Card, and well you're
But Willlllbur!
Hey, ED, look it was either that of that new filly for you....
NO Willlbur!, I'll go quietly, I won't let Buttercup suffer the fate that was
meant for me, after all I am a talking horse....
And hopefully Ed, all the neighbors will stop accusing me of talking to my