sims it got me to wondering, if I was to try and do the same, would it
help me to understand the physics involved with setting up a car,
because at the moment I - and I guess quite a few others here - are
pretty clueless when it comes to tinkering around in the virtual garage.
Then of course, I thought, that's a hell of a long trawl in order to
give me a better understanding of car setups. First I've got to go
through all that programming learning curve before I get anywhere near
the stage where I can start creating my own car with proper physics to
boot. A hell of a lot of hard work!
So, maybe there's a shortcut? Does all this sim creation help with
understanding the finer points of car setup anyway and, if so, would
anyone of the sim writers here consider creating a sim that would help
disect the finer points of this esoteric art?
What I had in mind was a sim where you could enable/disable certain
parts of the physics engine and then go out and run a few laps to see
how dramatically the handling of the car changes. As a for instance,
there is a thread discussing ARBs and how they affect the physics.
Wouldn't it be nice if a dumby like myself could actually be able to try
out driving a car with and without ARBs so I could get a better handle
on what they are supposed to do. The same goes for suspension,
dampers, you name it, etc.
It certainly sounds like a useful learning tool to me, so have I stirred
any creative juices in some of the physics engine gurus around here? Or
is it just a complete waste of time? What say you guys?
Peter Ives
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