Hi Jan,
I also have a very good computer system, i built it myself, just like i
have always buit and repaired my own systems, ever since i become
involved in the PC compatable business, back when the 8086 XT was the
state of the art, and probably was playing with and repairing cars when
you was still in nappys. :)
I understand Modem, duns, on-line protocol and tuning of internet
connections etc., but i also have suffered from bad problems ever since
the 1.1 patch was released, that is making on-line racing with GPL an
almost fruitless effort.
Did you ever stop to think that you location may have a bit to do with
your apparant joy at the patch. ?
I live in Australia, and the higher latencys we have to endure down
here, when connecting to the rest of the world, typically in the 450 to
550 range, are not being very well handled by the 1.1 build.
I am sure Papy will sort this out in time, but please don't think, just
because you are not having problems, that the problems are hardware
related, because in the case of us DownUnder, that is not true.
> basis. I keep my system in good shape (virusscans/defrags/backups)
and make
> sure I keep up with regard to drivers and software updates. I have a
> fast network card + high quality hub and cabling installed and
> selected my cable internet provider for fast connections to just
> anywhere. Along comes a patch for GPL. I install it and it works well
> real surprise there, everything works well on this PC... ), some bugs
> been corrected, great force feedback support has been added, and
online play
> has improved (for me). Is it then any wonder I'd rather blame
problems on
> configuration rather than on the patch itself? I will abstain on the
> issue. I haven't checked that yet, not planning to either. If another
> appears, I'll just install it and get on with things.
> I might have overreacted, but I just think it's very unfair to go and
> at someone who, out of his own love for the game, created this patch
for us.
> There's bound to be issues with any software update produced without
> corporate sized QA, but I'm sure they could have been pointed out a
> nicer. I mean.... biting the hand that feeds you????
> Jan.
> ------